Gold Member
Wowwwww!! that's an epic loss! I've never had one like that - well done you! xx
Wowwwww!! that's an epic loss! I've never had one like that - well done you! xx
Sounds as if the running is still going well. I've not done such long distances since m/cr run! I find I'm too dehydrated after booze the night before, definitely slows me down!
hey... i am looking to loose 1.5 stone and i am 10.7 now. any tips on your achievement. i get married in augustx
Haha surprisingly I felt absolutely fine this morning! Although I did fall asleep last night with a mugshot and poured it all over the sofa... Not a good move.
Not my finest moment. We were drinking in the house and I definitely did not realize how little I can now drink... Ooops!This made me giggle a bit! Hehe