Green Days SW, insanity and deployment

I sweat stupid amounts too! Beads of sweat dripping down my face sweat BUT like you say that just means its working.

I do mine about 3/4 pm as my eldest likes to join in!

I've done my first cardio abs today and ooooo they hurt. I'm doing it for 100 days so I'm expecting to look exactly like tanya haha

In my dreams perhaps :/

just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
I'm on day 17 tomorrow and am doing 2 straight rounds... 126 days total! Eeek! But am breaking it down to 2 x 63 day challenges lol! I live the sweat dripping off my nose! Haha! I'm up at 5/30 and do it when hubby leaves for work at 6:30 so I've got time to do it before the kids get up. Then it's shower breakfast and school run and work. But I do prefer doing it first thing. Sets me up for the day. I'm still loving it but must confess to lovingly Sunday " rest day " lol.

I aim to lose another 5lbs but am not trying to lose during insanity, I couldn't cut my kcal's! In fact I'm eating more! Eeeek!

Keep going and there will be lots if mini Tanya's running around lol xxx
Because I'm doing SW I can eat a lot of carbs so my calorie intake is still ok.

I would do it in the morning if I could but I love my bed too much.

I'm not going to concentrate on my weight too much as I will be gaining more muscle tone which is a lot heavier than fat.

Here is a question that has been bugging me though..........
What will we do after insanity?

just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
Ill prob go back to tae bo and an insanity workout alternating or is there a daily insanity DVD? I done tae bo from sept till beg of jan so I def don't bore easily. I love high impact! Might get into couch to 5k as would love to be able to run especially when the lighter days come in.

I too am not really fussed about weight hence why I'm not trying to lose during insanity but may do later. Xxx
I'm on day 12 of insanity. Its hard work BUT I love it.

I can already feel my body toning up and the results I got from one week were amazing.

Are you enjoying it (as much as sweating drastically can be enjoyable) or are you finding it a chore?

Yey another military wag.

I really feel for you. 6 months is AWFUL! But if your like me his return date is like a big neon goal. I want to see the smile when he realises how amazing I look :)

Will have to work hard now to look amazing but its definitely something to keep me motivated.

How much are you hoping to lose?

just keep swimming just keep swimming :)

I hope to lose 3 stone before he gets back, then the rest!! I know already we are moving in July as soon as he gets back! So will be nice to move to a new camp, slimmer!!

I've been a bit poorly, but hope to start running and cycling again by the weekend :) No way I am going to do that insanity!
Insanity is a daily routine!!

Muscle definition will come over time. To get lean muscle you do really need to but lots of work in.

I really struggled to get up this morning so after work I get the pleasure of absolutely destroying myself of what if any energy levels I had left....... Already Dreading it, then again though I'll cheer myself up after with a big chilli con carne

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I've had pretty good definition so luckily its kept its memory and its just a case of toning it up again!!

I don't want to get to the end of the 100 days then have no mission left! I would like to have another plan so that I get the body and KEEP the body.

If I don't have a plan I'll dilly dally around and be back here in a year all squishy again haha

just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
3 stone is a good goal!! I'm looking at losing about 2 1/2 stone is or size 8 by the time he gets back x

just keep swimming just keep swimming :)
This is killing me now I'm used to it but finding that I'm a lot more hungry as the days go on. Can see the results already though. I'm on a rest day today though which is most welcome

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I'm on day 32/63 so finally over half way! Here is my day 1 and day 29 comparison pics. I too am a lot hungrier now...



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I had 3 days off insanity been so busy last few days.........then tried again last night to carry on........Shaun T beat me last night, barely finished it i was sooooo tired
I have a major headache so really gotta persuade myself to get my insanity done!

Its about the same amount of days til fella is home as the insanity programme so need to remember that to keep me motivated.

Sean T and Tanya kicked my arse on tuesday and still aching :/
Upped my protein last week to see if it made a difference. I've just started week 6 and can't believe how much harder this is! I'm hoping for huge improvements lol! Here's day 1 to day 36 xxx


And an up close one of my back! I'm addicted to muscle lol xxx


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Definite difference! Welldone! I wish it did get easier lol! I don't know how I'm going to get through it! Lol! Day 36 was fit test plus max interval circuit.... 1hr 26mins later I looked like this!!! Haha! Xxx

I definitely recognise that face from the mirror after I'm done!!

Just letting my tea settle then I'm gonna get to it and treat myself to a deep heat bath before bed.

From the side I can definitely see a difference. Which considering I haven't been consistent is good so can only imagine the results if I'd done it properly x
I can't believe how much toning in the sides... I thought after tae bo and 30 day shred I was reasonably slim lol... My wobble has gone. I want the I've earned it tshirt lol! 24 days left to go! Enjoy it! Xxx