Sweet Potato


I am and quite new to SW and struggling for snack ideas. Well, I am trying to do the EE usually crave for savoury stuff. I wont risk buying crisps etc, as I cannot control myself. What I am doing instead is cutting up sweet potato into chips and oven baking it (it does not even need fry-light) but you can also use it. I put in a container and keep in the fridge. Can someone please advise if this is a safe option? I sometimes do the same with plantain.

They are both starchy vegs and the book says they are free, but I still have it at the back of my mind to stay away from starchy food as much as possible. I am just confused how all of a sudden starchy stuff like potatoes are ok - can someone please, please, please help me out here :confused:
It is best (from what my consultant was saying) to snack on super free food but I questioned and questioned her about free food and she really did say I could eat as much as I wanted...we will see!
Try and cast aside that ol' chestnut that you need to limit starchy foods. Just try it and see, if you lose weight then it's working for you, so carry on.
Try and ensure that your meals include one third super free foods. As you get used to the plan, your craving for certain foods (i.e. crisps) will probably disappear. There are so many good ideas to be found on this forum for syn free foods that you can eat, you will be surprised.
Good luck with your goals.
Thanks to all for your responses. I will try and find an alternative free food, almost savoury, but i will also continue with the sweet potato - rather cautiously, as I my losses are not that encouraging, so I am still nervous about the "free" foods meaning "Free"
If you leave in the oven for quite long, it is a little bit crunchy on the outside but the inside is of course soft. BTW - it is better with the Sweet Potato that is WHITE in the inside. It could be the Caribbean or Egyptian type.