14,876 steps today, woop woop!
My daughter and I walked/jogged the Race For Life today. I felt unsure about going ... I feel like a bit of a ticking time bomb at the mo, but I went and I felt great afterwards!!
I will be making sure I get out walking everyday, just because it made me feel less stressy.
My BP is still high, slightly lower than yesterday's reading tho. I'm trying not to think about it too much, as that just makes it worse.
So yesterday I started (ish!) something called the DASH Diet. Dietary A... I can never remember what the A is for. Dietary Adjustments?
Anyway, Dietary (something) for Stopping Hypertension.
(Slightly rubbish acronym if you ask me, by hey ho.)
It's a diet to reduce blood pressure. My understanding is that a group of doctors in the USA at one point said to bring BP down, eat loads of fruit and veg, decent amount of whole grains, stick to low fat dairy and lean meats.
Then, someone took that a step further, and wrote a book making it into an actual diet, with the first two weeks being a real focus on weight loss.
So this is what I'm attempting to do.
Just for a week or so, and will then transition into SW, which will seem like a massive treat to me.
I will have to do it differently this time though. No more Mugshots or salt on my food!

I do hope this is all just a temporary thing with my BP!
Cottage cheese, blueberries and oats (made an exception to the carbs because of the 5k run I was doing!)
8 cherry tomatoes, 2*light babybel
Tuna salad with peppers onions 1/4 avocado (3 syns), 1 TSP extra light Mayo (1 syn), on baby spinach
Black coffee
Three strawberries
Slow cooked chicken and tomatoes
Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower
I should also have had yogurt, cashews and raw pepper strips today, but came to bed early with a headache.
New day tomoz! Will hopefully notice another slight drop in BP!?