T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

Thankfully not hungover! I am sore though, and I know it's likely to feel worse tomorrow. I'm not doing any uni work today - I'm super tired and just need a chilled out day. Back to it tomorrow.
Good luck with weigh in tonight my dear!
Sorry for being so AWOL I have lots going on at the min!

Thanks Ruth! 5lbs on.... all in all, that isn't bad. And I know I can get it off again, so really not worried. The two weeks have been totally worth it!

Hope everything's ok, lovely! x
Morning all - woke up this morning very, very stiff! I took some painkillers and got a bit more sleep. No point in forcing myself straight up to uni when I'm too tired to work. So I've put a my white show stuff in the washing machine (please come out, stains!!) I'll have breakfast and get ready whilst that's in, then head up and do some work.

B - porridge (HEXB) with Peanut Hottie (2) and fresh fruit.

L - the last bit of vegetable stew. I might add some quorn chicken pieces?

So tonight is now unavoidable pizza. I will just have to be good the rest of the week!

Also had a HiFi vsalted caramel (3) and 2 Quorn cocktail sausages (2). The salted caramel bars are AMAZING - will have to avoid buying those, as could easily eat a box in one go.
They're delicious! Even my OH approved (naughty, stealing my bars!)

I need to actually put my mind to it and stick to it!! SHow stuff has come up ok.. not perfect, but I think it won't be too noticeable once on and with my jacket on too.

Weekend wasn't on plan. But it was lots of fun!
Yesterday wasn't the best day on plan.... line drawn!

B - baked oats (HEXB)

L - salad bar at uni (I'm going to call it 6 syns, just to account for oil and stuff)

D - Quorn roast (0.5 for oil)

Riding lesson tonight, which I am really looking forward to! Must try and get some work done today. This morning has already been pretty productive
Thanks Poppet - sorry, not been online much in the last week, so will be trying to catch up with everyone today! Food has been a bit hit and miss (mostly hit, but there has been rather a lot of alcohol!) And got taken out for dinner last night, by someone who wants me to help run an event for them. And I got my last piece of coursework back with 84%, so really rather happy about that. It's rather given me the motivation to get on properly with my dissertation: distinction here I come!
Well done on the 84% for your coursework!! You've worked so hard over the last year and deserve that distinction. You will get back on track, you always do :) And you are still making some good choices, which is a positive :)
Thank you! I was pretty bloody pleased. Just home from a really good riding lesson. Our next competition is a week tomorrow; already excited!
Hm, we'll see just how hit this evening, I suppose! At least I didn't drink any wine last night... there has been a lot of wine this week!

I woke up early this morning, after a rather poor nights sleep. Decided to get another hour (expecting to be up at 8ish), but fell asleep until 11. Must have needed it. I'm going straight from uni to SW, so not in any huge rush today.

I'm not sure what I've been fighting with, but I am rather bruised! I've taken arnica and I am currently rubbing myself with lemon juice (not sure whether this will work, but several websites suggest it!)
Have decided to weigh tomorrow morning instead, on my way into uni. Ears are really stuffed up, which is making me so dizzy! I think I'm better keeping warm and trying to knock this on the head.
Thanks, Poppet. Not a huge amount better, but one day of moping is enough. I feel human enough to move today, so that's an improvement! Dosed up on drugs, ginger and lemon water on the go. I may end up mainlining coffee to stay awake for the AGM this evening! Despite an early night, woke up a few times - not entirely sure why. That said, I was listening to meditation tracks on Spotify, and I'm wondering if waking up coincided with tracks with running water... hm... possibly!

Hope everyone has a fab day. BF is home this evening - missed him so much, so sad that I have to meet him and then head out again. Hopefully the AGM won't go on too long...
2lbs off! Happy with that. And more than I really deserve. Also got chatting to a girl who wants to get a team together to do Trailwalker. I've wanted to do it for years, so looks like we're going to sign up. That should keep me motivated!
Thanks Poppet - it wasn't too late in the end. We both felt pretty awful yesterday, so had a day chilling on the sofa with some homemade soup. Syns went on bread. I was probably well over, but I don't mind too much!

Today started with an 8km walk with some friends from group. Now just having porridge, before heading to the pub for rugby x