T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

Saturday - lazy start, because it's going to be a LONG day. Off to the gym now, then will mostly be chilling out before work at 5.

B - raspberries, strawberries and pear with fat free Greek yogurt.
Had a pear, because I was feeling peckish!

L - having big lunch, because I'm not sure when I'll get to eat dinner! Veggie mince with mixed beans and potato wedges, with 2 x LC light triangles (3 syns).

S - will have a muller layer before I go to work I think (3.5)

D - whenever I get it will be pasta bake leftovers with a HEXA of cheese.

Also taking fruit, pre-cut beetroot and Alpen lights (HEXB) to have during the evening.
That was a LONG shift! And as I left, got a text from my OH to say he was going out drinking grrr. Never mind, I am curled up with my book and don't think I'll be awake for too long!
HUGE lunch, because I was feeling really hungry! Decided that today is going to be a green day

L - Ryvita with LC light triangles (HEXA and B), cucumber, spring onions and beetroot. Hard boiled eggs and spinach. Chef style carrots, sugar snaps and cottage cheese. Packet of Shapers crisps (4.5)

D - veggie spag bol with other HEX of cheese.

Will add other syns in later.
Dinner was delicious and enough mince leftover for another meal next week.

Going to have an Options in a bit (2) and a choc fix layer (3.5)

Total syns for the day: 10
Monday morning arrives way too fast when you've worked Saturday night. Never mind! I think we're doing venue visits for an event that we're staging this afternoon. Must avoid (too much) alcohol. Will likely just stick to diet cokes.

B - fruit salad with fat free Greek yogurt.

Off to the gym in a bit; I think I will have porridge with pear afterwards (HEXB), to help keep me going.

L - TBC - not sure what time I'll actually get home. Going to take some veggies and fruit to snack on.

D - Quorn bangers and mash
Decided to have another green day.

Having my porridge now - made with water and a bit of free yogurt stirred through to make it creamier.

SAS log is going well... so here's hoping for some good news on Thursday! Also trying out a new class before WI, a ballates class
It's a cross between ballet work and pilates. I don't think it's very widely practiced!

This is the class description: http://www.hamiltonhouse.org/project/ballates/

We decided not to do the venue visits today - but made plans to get a few done later in the week.
L - carrots, beetroot, sugar snaps and cottage cheese. I think I might have a pasta and sauce, because I'm pretty hungry!
Woohoo new hair colour! We've gone for a light lilac and silver this time.
Although I was aiming for a green day, I haven't wanted the additional healthy extras (mostly because I spent a large part of today sat in a hair salon!)
S - Shapers crisps (4.5)

Will have 2 syns worth of gravy with my dinner, and my HEXA of LC light triangles mixed into my mash.

Pudding - Muller choc fix (5) and an Options before bed! (2)

Total syns for the day: 13.5
Gym done - grabbed a pear on my way out of the door, because I wasn't that hungry.

Going to have fruit and yogurt now for breakfast.

L - veggie mince with mash

D - TBC. I'm off to Asda in a bit, so will decide later!

Need to pick up bits for taster on Thursday; I'm going to make the dhal loaf and some syn free Turkish delight jellies.

Edited to add: Decided to just have the mince and mash for lunch. With HEXB of fruity ryvita. I might even have another HE later, because I can!

S - popcorn (4.5 syns)

D - Quorn lamb grills with roasted veg.
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HEXB2 ryvita with HEXA LC light abd beetroot.

I think I'll have a choc fix layer (3.5) and an Options later (2)

Total syns for the day: 10
Breakfast on the go this morning! Grabbed some fruit and alpen light bars. Today is going to be hard, because I'm not sure whether we can actually use our kitchen! Bloody typical the day before weigh in...
OH saw a rat in the kitchen last night and the bugger's been at my fruit on the counter top. Needless to say, I am refusing to go down to the kitchen alone! Which means that I need to go out and grab some food on the go. I don't feel too happy about eating anything that's cooked down there at the moment either, so I've taken the decision not to cook for the taster tomorrow; just doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

I've tried phoning the council, but long hold times, so I've send them an email instead. Hopefully we'll hear back about getting an appointment soon. Flipping typical that this has happened the day before WI and after a really good week :-(
Had a jacket potato with beans for lunch. Didn't have chance to get to Iceland for SW friendly ready meal. But we grabbed the Chinese New Year Deal from M&S - definitely not on plan, but better than a take-away. I think we may have to get a cheap microwave until this is sorted!
Hi TT sounds like you are still going strong and as adventurous as ever :)

A dinosaur wedding ??? erm who are these people ? Are Ross and Rachel in Bristol ? :) x Lottie
Hey Lottie - going strong perhaps...but the weight just isn't shifting :-( Another STS this week. I didn't even stay to group, I just couldn't cope with it tonight.

Hah - we did actually ask if they were paleontologists; apparently they just really like dinosaurs! It was a bit odd x
So I'm having today off plan. I'm out tonight for a catch up and drinks and things are a bit hectic with people in and out of the house today. Will be back on it tomorrow (who know, perhaps it will give me the kick to get off this plateau!)
Well, decided to actually have a weekend off plan. Ready to start again tomorrow. I'm going to get meal planning done now, then we're off to the pub for the rugby.
Right, well that didn't really go to plan! I've spent the last few days just messing around and mostly not being on plan. Meals have been ok-ish, but that's about as far as it goes. Back to it today, I've stopped sulking and decided that I need to renew efforts! We're off to the theatre tonight to see Avenue Q, but I will make sure I've had healthy snacks before we go.

B - pears, strawberries and raspberries with fat free Greek yogurt.

L - probably quorn and calamari salad and a mugshot.

D - buckwheat with roasted med veg and hot smoked salmon.

Will add syns and healthy extras as we go along