T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

Thanks Jenny!

Lunch was amazing (as it always is there!) We went to our old local - which is still always a central point for us and our friends. A country-type pub in the middle of a city. I had a mushroom and oat roast, served with lots of veg, roasties, Yorkshire pud and parsnip crisps. Delicious! Then I couldn't refuse pudding, which was chocolate brownie (so gooey!) and beetroot ice-cream.

I stuck to Diet Coke all afternoon, so I don't feel bad about the extra food syns. We popped down to the jazz festival for a bit and now home to chill out.

I have some SW friendly snacks for the evening as well.
So, the biggest excitement of my weekend... I just ordered a weighted hula hoop. Hurrah! Not sure how I'll get on pain wise, because of the surgery, but hopefully I can build up. I've heard about fab results, and it's something I can do at home.
Having a lazy Bank Holiday Monday, just doing bits and bobs around the house and getting some things listed on EBay.

B - fruit and yogurt.

L - probably Ryvita's with HEXA of cheese

D - Sainsbury's veggie burgers (1) with roast veg and potato wedges (0.5 for oil)

Will add in more syns during the day.
Thanks Poppet. Lunch was AMAZING and no guilt at all about enjoying it. If I maintain or only get a small loss this week, that's fine with me.

I'm really excited about the hula hoop - prepared for the pain! I've been using some of the smaller ones, but they just don't cop it!
I've got a plan with it! Will be doing it around the house until I look slightly less demented/more coordinated, then there's a lovely park a couple of minutes walk from home, so I shall head there, once I feel I can be seen in public with it!

Oh gosh, food poisoning is horrid. Hope you're feeling better soon. x
True - I don't normally worry about exercising in public... but I do worry about doing someone else damage with a hula-hoop! Try some Ryvita or something plain like that, perhaps?
Ha yes you do need a bit of space to use it!
I've had some toast and sucked some crisps til they melted. That's about all I could face but will probably have a bit of soup later for my tea.
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm allergic to chick peas. I never used to have issues but the last time I was violently sick like this I'd had hummus & falafels, and yesterday 'mixed bean chilli' probably had some in.. One to watch/avoid!
Might be worth asking your GP to do an allergy test? Beans can make you really sick if they're past their best as well.

I'm working on the space thing! Slowly but surely sorting/selling/donating all the 'stuff' taking up space in the living room
So, today's food.

D is actually going to be Quorn burgers (still one syn) and 0.5 for oil.

Having a packet of popcorn now (2.5)

Then pudding will have quark with options (2) and salted caramel

I've been snacking on fruit throughout the day as well.

Total syns for the day:5

edited to say: I may have to have some more syns later... but at the same time, I was over yesterday, so no point in having syns for syns sake today.
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Make that 6 for the day! Had some ketchup as well. We're watching The Lobster....odd but good
Oh gosh, yea sounds more like poisoning than allergy.

I only put four things up on ebay yesterday... we have some specialist flight cases that OH's daughter left here, and asked us to sell. They're brand new, but only one of them had tags on, so it took us forever to try and find out info about them! So one of those, along with the dead iphone and a few bits and bobs. At least it's a start!

I think I must still be adjusting to the change in meds. I woke up at 7.30ish this morning, knew I didn't have to be anywhere straight away, so thought I'd just sleep a bit longer.... I woke up 10 minutes ago!! ooops.

Well, I will get sorted then head up to uni. One of my friends has a riding lesson tonight, so she's going to take me up to the stables as well.

B - Melon. Cherry yogurt.

I will take enough fruit to sink a reasonably sized boat.

L - salad I should think.

D - spag bol with a HEXA of cheese.

Will add in syns and other HE during the day.
How's this for a test of willpower!? Holland and Barrett order arrived today (yay- scan-bran!) I also added some of the Portlebay sherbert lemon popcorn, but hadn't realised it was the big bags! So I have carefully measured out my 25g for 5.5 syns to take with me today!

L - tin of beans. Quorn salad. Popcorn.

All of which I will have throughout the afternoon at uni! It's so hot again here today - and the H&B box was huge to carry home!
It was very tempting to devour the entire pack...

Got home from the yard and I feel hellish. Had a tension headache flitting around the edges all day. I think travelling in a hot car pushed me over the edge. Got home and threw up. Giving dinner a miss, as I can't bear the idea of food. Off to lie down in bed