(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Evening all
Well today was a very busy one. Up at 6am to have breakfast in good time ready to leave for uni at 8.30 (I know it seems like waking up 1.5 hours before going out is a bit extreme but I need to allow time in the morning to see what my IBS is doing. If I wake up, eat and leave all within 30 minutes I can have very unpleasant symptoms shortly after!). Got to uni at 9.30 and did some reading before my lecture at 10. Between 10 and 2.30 I was solidly in classes and lectures and barely had a chance to go to the toilet, let alone have anything to eat or drink! Thursdays are my most hectic day.
At 2.30 I had my marmite sandwich and a packet of french fries and got the train home. When I got in I had a really big apple!
Now I'm waiting for Dave to get home so we can eat dinner together.
I might actually be under my points today. I've got dinner to come (9pp), a banana (0pp), an alpro soya dessert (3pp) and some NuMe fruit and fibre bars (3pp) and after all that I'll still have 3pp left, but I dont want to eat for the sake of it.
Doing Good Sarah