Dubchick81 said:Sorry you'd a gain n its upset you hun.. Sometimes it takes time to find what way to use the PP's suit..
Just track EVERYTHING that crosses yer lips, drink yer water and hopefully it'l start showing losses soon.. x
bulldogdaisy said:Ohh ok Hun,nun night,will catch up soon ;0)
Tano said:Ok so ive decided to gym in the morning. I've also worked out that I have 14 weigh ins till Xmas so I'm aiming for a pound a week to be a stone lighter by Xmas! I can do this!!!
Tano said:I put on halfoh well, I was naughty on Sunday with the hangover x
Tano said:Ahhhhhh it's working!!!!!! I've been out of minimins action since my iPhone update, had to re-install it!
Tano said:I've put on again!!! Spoke to my leader who has suggested using all weeklies as I'm exercising so much. I'm so upset! I'm now 10st 12. Makes me feel like giving up exercising and I don't want to as I feel fitter than ever :,(
Holliexx said:hope you get better soon :-( x
Dubchick81 said:Oh no that's awful hun.. Make sure to get as much water as you can in if you can't manage any "f" (hee hee)
Be careful having dairy if your stomach still feels dodge... It contains bacteria which can trigure sickness againHaha will do! Been sucking energy sweets this morning. I might brave a cup of tea in a minute x
Dubchick81 said:Be careful having dairy if your stomach still feels dodge... It contains bacteria which can trigure sickness again
If you have some cuppa soups they might help ease you back on to "F".. (laughing at myself not saying the word.. can't you feeling ill again tho)