ProPoints Tano's back...

Hey weight watching chicks...

Can u all follow my friend lil legs food diary, she's just started ww xxx
My dinner was bloody amazing!!!

Only managed one roast potato but I've had that dodgy hot choc that I really don't think was skinny! I'm saying all my weeklies gone now just to be on the safe side! 26PP a day for me now :)
ill have a look now xx

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All weeklies gone!

Had Haagen Dazs to finish them off! Gym challenge begins tomorrow whoop x
Ooh good luck! I thought I was following this and was confused as to why there were no updated comments on my subscribed threads bigot sorted it now (I hope) x
thiswillbeit said:
Ooh good luck! I thought I was following this and was confused as to why there were no updated comments on my subscribed threads bigot sorted it now (I hope) x

Thanks lovely xxx
Whoooop challenge day has arrived!!!

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries n banana

Lunch: salad

Dinner: chicken ceaser salad


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Very healthy breakfast, are u still having treats In th next 30 days or going cold turkey? X
Thanks lovely!!!

Hi kez, I'm going to try an be really good. Resisted chocolate and truffles today :) lunch was a salad which was so nice


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Porridge blueberries n banana =6

Dorians crackers/ 2 laughing cow blue cheese triangles =6
Ww yogurt=1

Bolognaise =11
Protein shake =2

Total 26PP
Tano said:
Thanks lovely!!!

Hi kez, I'm going to try an be really good. Resisted chocolate and truffles today :) lunch was a salad which was so nice

Well done u, gonna b tough but I'm sure u can do it x
kezzalicious30 said:
Well done u, gonna b tough but I'm sure u can do it x

It's already tough hahaha! I'm bloody starving! Had a spare point so just had a ww yogurt! Off to gym at 7pm xxx