Tano's healthy eating and exercise diary

nope havnt got a clue yet jus gonna go get a feel for it then this weekend get a plan xx
So so ill, been sick all night/morning :(
Still ill.... Other end now hahahaha!!! Nice!!! I've got a massive headache as well and feel like absolute $hit!!! :( yesterday night I managed to eat a bag of plain crisps and 2 digestives.
You're probably really dehydrated cos of all the nasties which is causing the headaches :(

Try some sugary / full fat drinks to keep your energy up (a bit) even if you don't like me (like me)

Big cwtches xx

Loving the cwtches!!!

I can't be away from a toilet for long and I'm sooooooo bored!!! :(
3 digestives and a cup of tea have stayed in haha result!!!
Yesterday I managed 2 bags crisps, 3 digestives and some bread and butter. Still feeling weak and off my food. I don't fancy anything!!! I'm especially off meat (bleurghhhh)
God knows what I'm having today but I've got to go shopping later. :(
It's taken my weight down to 9st 11 which is my ideal weight. I've just gotta try and stay there now haha!!! That's the hardest part!

Went food shopping and bought a load of crap, don't fancy anything!!! The poor Boyf, who knows what he'll be eating this week!!!
2 thick slices granary uncut bread with butter and jam
Natures valley ginger granola bars (2 slices)

My belly is whirling round.... That's it until later :)
Hope ur feeling better soon hun, sounds like you'vr had it rough xx
Thanks beaut!! Feeling weak and dizzy today. Slowly starting to get there lol xxx

:-( you'll be right as rain in no time xx
Struggled to get tomato soup down but managed it!!! Still sucking on energy sweets haha! Feel odd today, a bit sicky/dizzy. It's bloody horrible!!! Normality tomorrow would be perfect!!! I'll have something later if I fancy it x
I've found the answer to our weight problems


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That made me smile!!! Now I know where I've been going wrong and it totally explains why I put weight on whilst on holibobs!!!! x