~*~ Tanya's Maint Diary 2 ~*~ Fresh!

Morning Tanya,
Poor you! I hope you've woken today feeling a bit better and that the early night put the run on any nasty bugs. Have you a nice weekend to look forward to there?
Still feel pretty crappy still got huge migraine that won't budge,
feeling very lethargic and a little achy.

Got work all weekend so no lay in untill Monday :(
working at the hotel Sunday :sigh:

will update food later, pre warning, it ain't pretty :(
Friday 22nd Jan

B- Banana (100cals) Muesli & s.smilk (230cals)

*packet flammin hot monster munch (196cals)
*packet malteasers (187cals)

L- Toasted wholemeal muffin (114cals)
Spreaded with Light philli (42cals)
Ham (65cals)
Cucumber (5cals)
Carrot (15cals)
LF S.cream (17cals)

*slice home made vic sponge

D- 130g chicken breast done in frylight (197cals)
sweet chilli sauce (18cals)
Salt and vinegar french fries (87cals)

*500ml orange squash (12cals)
*500ml water

Total Cals = 1,285 (not inc sponge)
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Doesn't look that bad to me Tan - not bad at all really!

Hope you're feeling better - bummer you've got to work all weekend :( xx
Saturday 23rd Jan

B- banana (100cals) Muesli & s.smilk (230cals)

L- 2 slices toast (176cals) strawberry Jam (40cals)
Packet french fries (84cals)
Apple (50cals)

(had lunch straight from work today at 12pm)

D- making mexican burritos with beef mince, soured cream :drool: cheese & salsa.

*1/3rd cornish pasty - split with the bf - & tbsp brown sauce.
*packet of bacon discos (147cals :eek:)
*jaffa cake mini roll (119cals)


I have decided - next week is the week. I have to get my head down to this. I have 10weeks to lose this stone. I will do it :)

No weigh in today as i got up late, still have this awful migraine - its so painfull especially when i move my eyes so trying to avoid comps as much as i can and 'rest' my eyes.

So sorry if im not round much this weekend but i shall try post atleast what ive eaten :)

Hope everyone has a good weekend :) x
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Hey Tanya,
Good for you! Sounds like you're all set and got your mojo in order. Well done. And you've really kept tabs on things these past few days so I bet you're already down on the scales. Especially tough when you've that awful migrane. Mind yourself there honey.

Ah Tan - so sorry you're feeling so poorly. Hope you improve soon my love xxx
Sunday 24th Jan

B- 2 slices brown bread with raspberry jam (couldnt get the toaster to work in work :sigh:)

L- Cheese & salad cream sandwich on wholemeal bread. 1 roast potatoe. Small spoon of mash pot.

D- nothing besides mabilu, vodka & coke. Oh think i picked at some cheese and beef when i got home but nothing major.

*1litre water
*500ml orange squash


Still got the awful migraine - took some cocoldamole (sp?) yesterday and just taken some more as i got home from work. They seem to be elivating it a bit but still hurts when i move my eyes.

Hope it p**ses off soon! lol
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Poor chicken, hope the migraine is abating at this stage. It sounds really nasty. You seem to be keeping great tabs on the food now so well done on that score. You have fab determination, Tanya.
***huggin ya betta Tan - wish I could do more *** xx
Weighed myself this morning - down 3lbs!!!!!!!!! :D

Im now 13lbs up from when i started maint in nov. 10 weeks from today that has to be gone :)


Monday 25th Jan

B- 2 slices toast with strawb jam.

*packet wheat crunchies
*10 pick n mix sweets

Mid afternoon - 3 small burritos. 8squares dark chocolate.

D- pineapple & melon.

*me and the bf guna cosy up and watch a film this afternoon - got some thai crackers (lower cals than a bag of doritos lol) and some squeezy cheese.

*glass of apple, grape and cherry juice :drool: :drool:


Still got the blasted pain above my eyes although it is getting a little better and isnt so painfull today.

The no drinking didnt work - had some malibu and vodkas last night :giggle:

Hope youve all had a good weekend :) x
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WooHoo on your 3lbs!! FAB :):):)

Malibu & Vodkas .... together???? Hmmmmmmmmmm ;)

Hope you're having/had a good afternoon, sounds lovely - glad the pain is a bit better and hope it's soon gone completely. xx
glad you are feeling better tanya, and that you keep trying. I have come back cos I put 7 pounds on since christmas and like you want to nip it in the bud before things get out of control. I think we are going to eat when it's that time of the month , or we are not feeling well, but it's accepting that and getting straight on the band wagon as soon as we can. I think I came off LT end of may last year and then I lost another stone through health eating, so I am not being too hard on myself, but NEED to lose this half stone, have begun another thread, but will be checking in with everyone to see how you are doing. I have a wedding to go to beginning of march so would like to get most of it back off by then.
Aw that is fab that you got 3lbs off. Good for you.
Hi Tanya

I don't get much chance to browse these forums lately but I just had a quick peek at your diary and I just wanted to say thank you for being so honest and diarying your food even on day's when you've been *naughty*. I think to see the honest truth, that maintenance is hard work and we can't always be good all of the time, is really inspirational, makes the rest of us feel reassuringly *normal*. It'd be all too easy to avoid the forum when we are eating things that perhaps we shouldn't be, (or in my case in quantities that are just shameful lol) but by posting here it shows you are still very much in control and allows the rest of us to be able to relate quite easily to your struggles.

Um.. I hope all that came out the way I meant it to lol, Anyway, just wanted to say well done on your continued hard work, you look fantastic, and thanks for sticking around to be a source of support and inspiration to us all.

Ahh thanks Cookeh.
Tbh it helps me tremendously writing everything down - i know if i didnt i wouldve gone off the rails so long ago and i wouldnt be stopping at 1 bag of crisps id be having 10!!

The only person i'd be cheating by lieing is myself and im a honesty is the best policy person :)


Tuesday 26th Jan

B- banana. Fresh pineapple & melon.

*packet french fries
*tube of smarties

L- baked sweet potatoe with side salad and grated low cheese. LF Yog & apple.

*chunk of low cheese

D- 2 slices toast with strawb jam

*5! :eek: gingernut biscuits.
*6 seafood sticks


So today was the supposed day of getting back on track :sigh: didnt work out! I thought id be clever and take just fruit to work - as it happens i missed my muesli and by the time i got home i was starving so munched some smarties and crisps. Wont be doing that again in a hurry i can assure you!
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Wednesday 27th Jan

B- banana. muesli & s.smilk

L- ham salad

D- WW tikka sauce with quorn pieces & brown rice

*1litre water

*4 seafood sticks
*mouthfull of sponge -no cream/jam (had to taste test it didnt i! :giggle)
*1 fig roll, 1 gingernut biccie
*4 pick n mix sweeties
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Thursday 28th Jan

B- banana. muesli & s.smilk

L- Ham, cucumber & cheese crusty roll. Packet french fries. slice of soreen.

D- Grilled gammon. Boiled pot. Boiled carrots. Bisto curry sauce.

*1litre water
*small glass diet coke

*2 quality streets
*sponge (no jam or b/cream - it was the top of the sponge i cut off to make it flat - me me gma and gdad ate it :giggle:)
*6 biccies


No more migraine!!!!!!! It has finally decided to do one!!!!!!!!! :D

Here's the 2 cakes i have made today. One for my mums friends son's 14th and the other for my brother who is 16. Making a chocolate one tomorrow for my mums friends partner who is 40! Busy busy bee this week! but i :heartpump: it :)

Off out for a meal tomorrow evening for my brothers birthday - guna have scallops to start and mousakka (sp?) for a main as it is a greek restaurant we are visiting :)


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