Well its day 7 and still going okay!!!
Keep dreaming about food - what is that all about
- very vivid dreams - I had one where my food cupboard was actually out in the street by a busy road. I was feeling very hungry and went to the cupboard - it was full of yummy things like luxury chocolate biscuits, bread and cakes. I really wanted something but didnt have anything because I was too embarrassed to take anything with everyone being able to see, so I shut the door and walked away!
Whats all that about
Last night I dreamt I had salmon fillets with cheesy mash and peas - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Woke up feeling very guilty and then very relieved when I realised that actually I hadn't!!!
Am going to read everyones diarys tonight - am at work and if I keep logging on Im going to get the sack
This site is very addictive as well as being supportive
Have a great day everyone
Keep dreaming about food - what is that all about
Last night I dreamt I had salmon fillets with cheesy mash and peas - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Am going to read everyones diarys tonight - am at work and if I keep logging on Im going to get the sack
Have a great day everyone