Tasting sessions at group


Silver Member
Does every group do them and if so what king of things have you made or what interesting things have other people brought in.

So far in the sessions I've made food for, I've made a chicken and sausage hot pot from a SW book, Chinese Chicken and sweetcorn soup and cous cous quiche.
I do a rice ( batchelors garlic) bake, frylight fried onions, peppers tomatoes and peas , whip up a couple of eggs, mix it all up and put in the oven for 40 mins at 200c. You can add quark, but I don't bother. Free on a green day or EE.
We don't do them :(
we dont have them at my group.. although in the past year since i have been there she has brang in food twice.. for a taster but we dont do them as a regular thing, i think she made an apricot and bread pudding thingy, and a quiche.. it was bloomin yum.. wish she'd feed me more often :D haha x
i missed ours only do them occasionly and trust it to be the one that i couldnt stay for lol
We try to have them monthly in our class. I took in Mini Caramel Snack-a-Jaks topped with a spoonful of quark with white options and a button on top (work out 1 syn each).

My mum has made a wicked Biriyani before, which I really fancy now I think about it lol
That's so sad that you don't get to do them or not very often :( We have one on the last week of every month.

Why don't you suggest it to your group, are you allowed to make suggestions for things you want to do aren't you?
We made a request/suggestion last week for a before and after board. We used to have one with our old consultant and the new consultant has said several times that she will get a new board for us but she never gets around to it. So I'm taking in an old cork board that I've got and we'll start one going this Tuesday at WI.
We have them fairly reguarly... I made a veg/pasta bake with Mozarella (as a HexA), Scan Bran Fererro Rocher, Lasagne from the magazine, the berry terrine from the magazine (which is fabulous by the way!)... can't think now. I usually bring a couple of things.
we have them every month at my class. ive made the liver and bacon pate and creamy bbq chicken and they both went down a storm with everyone :)
I know my consultant tries to hold them monthly, but in reality it works out about every 6 weeks.

Previously, I have taken rice pudding (made with muller light), a huge bowl of jelly/mouse, some liver and bacon pate with melba toast.

We have one this week, and I am wondering about taking a chocolate fat free sponge cake layered with 0% greek yogurt.
We have them regularly too - you learn so much! We always take something, usually a Scan Bran cake of some sort. Last week hubby made a microwaved Parkin, and we took some mini lollies with frozen Mullerlight yogurt in IKEA "berry" ice cube moulds, with a cocktail stick in them - NOT suitable for children!

Very popular despite it being bitterly cold all day - I'd had the central heating on all afternoon AND worn a fleece indoors, was the coldest since the snow in Feb! It had been so hot shortly before, there were all those fantastic posts about freezing Mullerlight AND Asda had the 20p offer...

Even members who don't like Mullerlight said they loved them. It was a bit of a "palaver" getting them to the hall - we had frozen banana slices as well - and involved our plug-in coolsafe!!!
We had a sweet alternatives taste days and there were around 20 dishes to try from. The next one we are doing will be for free food.
We had one in our group last Thursday, I made a chocolate cake!!

The leader made syn free samosa's and I am now addicted!lol.

Someone else did syn free crisps made out of lasagne sheets! Wonderful!
We have one this week, and I am wondering about taking a chocolate fat free sponge cake layered with 0% greek yogurt.

lol im doing that fat free cake for my next one too, gonna do both plain and chocolate to take. yummy ;)
We had one just this week, (Wednesday), a cauldron of Vegetable soup was what i made, the recipe is available:-

Read Below:-
Please note this is all FREE FOOD...
Amounts not specified... the choice is yours to make the quantity you want but I have gone with what I used... This will make a large stock pot of soup plus a smaller pan and will feed around 30 – 35 people (in Mugs), in bowls about 18-20, but it will freeze.
1 bag of Potatoes (I used Charlotte),
2 Leeks, (Sliced at Angle)
1 butternut squash, (Diced)
4 Sweet Potatoes, (diced)
2 Red Onions, (Diced)
8 White Onions (Chopped into quarters),
6 Carrots (Diced),
1 Large Turnip (Diced),
Mixed Herbs,
1 Tbspn Apple Cyder Vinegar (with Mother), (optional)
5 Dashes of Worcester sauce
1 Broccoli Head
1 Head of Cauliflower
3 Carrots (Sliced)
1 Level tsp. of Tomato Puree,
6 Maggi Vegetable stock cubes
2 Maggi Vegetable Stock Pots,
6 pts. Of Cold Filtered Water (You can use cold tap water)...
1 tin of Borlotti beans and 1 tin of Cannelloni beans.
Salt and Pepper seasoning, (Ginger, Fennel, Chilli Flakes)
Please note to save time and fingers you can get the vegetables already prepared at your local supermarkets!!!

Heat the pan on a medium heat, then add the leek and diced potatoes, spray with the Frylite and gently fry until golden, add the butternut squash, red onion and sweet potato and do the same.
Add your seasonings and herbs at this point (I used dried mixed herbs).
Once browned slightly start to add the other vegetables, Turnip, Carrots, White Onions etc...
Now add your stock cubes, but mix the stock pots with 1/2pt. of Hot water stir until dissolved and add to the mix.
Cook on a high heat until boiling and then simmer for about 20 minutes.
At this point add the remainder of your ingredients, stir and using a small spoon taste to check flavour.
Once simmered, taste again.
Serve into warmed bowls, and your options for syns, or with a dollop of Fat Free Natural Yoghurt or Fromage Frais.


  • Please note this is all FREE FOOD.docx
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