I love Miami Ink, Loz, totally amazed by what they do, especially Kat's work... it's fabulous!
I have one abstract sun tattoo on the back of my neck, I have short hair so it can be seen all the time, I often forget it's there so when people say 'what's that on your neck' I spin around thinking there's a spider or something!!

I love it to bits tho... esp as I guess I'm a kind of gal that no one expected to get a tatt, even tho my brothers and all my friends have them, I was always the prim and proper one who'd never do it... now tho am in fear of being a tattaddict lol!
But I've promised myself no more tattoo talk until I get slimmer... I too was worried about them shrinking as the weight goes and skin alters, plus I wouldn't show them off as much being the size I am now...
My ultimate 'prize' for being slimmer and at the end of this diet, is a pegasus tattoo on my lower back... white body, pink wings, beautiful flying horse... Have it all pictured and drawn out... can't wait!
I have had a lot of lumbarpunctures done on my lower back tho (53+

) so it's a bit scarred and tender, so I know it's gonna hurt like holy hell, but after hopefully losing 6 stone then am praying it'll be a walk in the park in comparison (wishful thinking eh! lol)...
The one on my neck didn't hurt at all tho, I enjoyed the whole experience and it was very special for me, can't wait for the next one!!!
Everyone's tatts are fab!