Hi Tatty,
I do all sorts of calculations about how much I should be down each moth, but I never get it right, but that does not stop me doing it

I remember when I lost my first two stone I had so many improvements and the biggest one was that I stopped snoring and no longer had a sore throat because of it.
Also, the shortness of breath left so after...and I just felt so much more energetic.
By and by I have notice small improvements.
One evening I was carrying a load of freshly ironed clothes upsairs to the hot press and the weight of them in the basket was pulling the arms out of me and by the time I got to the top of the stairs I was near for dead, so I walked into the bathroom and wieghed the basket and clothes and it was just under what I had lost at the time 27lbs. or there abouts!
It made me see how carrying that much and more on my body had to be taking its toll.
Could not imagine having to carry the five stone I have lost around the place now
My next goal is to weigh in at ten stone but I DO hope to lose some more after that...will take it pound by pound...
Still, just now ten stone seems miles away...
Love Mini xxx