tazbabe's show and tell

Morning & welcome to your new home :D
Hi Marty, how was your shift?

And - more importantly - how's the thighmaster going these days? Wasn't I supposed to be keeping you on the straight and narrow? ;)

yay, i've moved in with you all!
shift was horrid, was exhausted last night :(
spud is very naughty, it's his middle name!
the thighmaster/stepper.......erm, oops, it erm, put itself away somehow.......i'll see if i can entice it back out..... i have been looking at vibroplates, really really want one of those!
the stepper scares me a bit, in case it sparks off my hip again, it was such agony when it was bad, and its behaving now, just aches rather than pain all day everyday, but i keep thinking it would do me good to, keep half-heartedly trying it out then getting scared of it again.
i am soo excited about it, they've been on all day and are comfy, been for a hot tub session this morning and they still went on even when i was all hot and bothered afterwards.

only lost 1lb this week, ooh best go and post that on the right thread...but obviously the inches are shifting.
sooooo pleased!
(can you tell?)
Well done Taz....the slinky one!!! I am doing a happy dance for you (don't panic it is the confines of my house and not in the public domain...) Go Tazzy go Tazzy!!!!