tazbabe's show and tell

gone here now too. BOOOO
Hiya - hope all well:D
joined jools bootcamp today, c&g for 14 weeks, aiming for 14lb off. help me!!!
(the no wine bit is very scary)
puppies.....well, got a message to say that someone has changed their mind, so there is one available after all! ooh, excited again!
(tell steve for me, he's sleeping, and i'm off to work shortly)
Morning Guys, what's this, Steve been playing with puppies. LOL
Ooh - yes please

Evening M&S&M &S. - just practicing :D
:) well, the 2 dogs we have are called sally and meaghan! never realized before, they are m&s already!
soo what shall we name the pup!
Morning Marty & steve, it's all about pet names today :)
Evening mx3 sx3 and however many extra you have added;)
work not as bad as i thought it was going to be yesterday, hurrah! and today an extra, only half nine to half five. and then....got a potential tenant for the flat to vet, fingers crossed she is ok!
heavy heavy rain for the weekend, supposed to be going offroading tomorrow, but looks like i will need to tidy out that cupboard after all!
Morning all LOL