Day 79
Cant believe it is Thursday already, where has the week gone and I have done nothing really.
So had a real lie in this morning got up about 8.30am, sorted my daughters breakfast and lunch for work then took myself off to sort Charlie out.
Bumped into the yard owner and had a chat about moving my other two horses up to the same yard.Trying to figure out the how and when, nothing is easy. I also asked if she knew of any horses for loan, as it turns out she has one so I am going to ride him to see if we get on ok and take it from there. Me being the div I am didnt firm up when I could ride him, why oh why dont I grab opportunities when they come my way, I am such an idiot. Anyway going to see her tomorrow as we have had some good news this afternoon that one of my horses has the all clear to move, so going to pin down the day I can ride the loan horse at the same time. Law of the universe really works!
Chilled out the rest of the day until I had the urge to try my daughters long boots on, they only flippin fit. Fat calfs no more, yay! Text my daughter as I was so pleased and she text back saying get them off lol Then I decided to go try my own boots on they are now too big, gutted I love them too! Hey ho! I also tried on some LBD's I have in my wardrobe, little black dresses for those who arent sure what that means. Some fitted, some to big, some just plain old vile and why did I even buy them lol, also ended up going through my wardrobe again, seriously it has hardly any clothes in it now. What I did realise was that I now have more casual clothes than workwear, wow when did that happen it was always the other way round before!
Some food thoughts but only when my daughter left her mash (sorry) mmmm I actually love the stuff how could she not eat it! Grrrr! I totally resisted though, as if I wouldnt!
Nothing else exciting happened today, here's hoping tomorrow is a little more fun.
Hope you have all had a great day xx