Ding -

Maybe not words of wisdom and words of recognition of the pain you are feeling lovely sexy gorgeous strong woman Lady T. xx
Word of the moment seems to be FRENEMIES.
I too had problems with a couple of my friends I'd known for about 20 years. After I'd lost 12 stone - THEY couldn't handle it. I was okay as a fat friend (funny, pretty face, witty, supportive, life and soul, food expert, excellent cook etc, etc.)
I'm sure you know what I mean - but as soon as I became slim as well -I became a threat - big time.
I was a bit like you, excited and proud wanting to show them the new me, the result of a year's self denial, abstinence, no alcohol, strong will, waited for the positive strokes - nada!
What I forgot was that I had the CBT and the group support from the likes of Blonde Logic and my fab LLC. I'd had the opportunity to start getting my head round it - they were presented with the end product. was I the plump earth mother like on Darling Buds of May - or was I suddenly a Sex Siren????
They didn't know - neither did I.
We were all confused. They were jealous, I was hurt. We all felt
disappointed. So the new me eventually took the bull by the horns after going through the "sod it" "they don't deserve me"etc. I asked each of them separately why they were reacting like that. One said she didn't know what I meant ,so we left it. I didn't call her. After about 4 months she phoned and gradually we have picked up our friendship. I know it wasn't my problem.
The other friend was very honest and told me how unsettled she felt seeing the re-invented me, said it was like seeing the clock turn back for me 20 years and realising how quickly her clock was moving forward. I'd never thought of that.
One thing I learnt from the experience was that other people don't necessarily see things the same way as we do. They have their vulnerabilities and insecurities just as we do. They are just diffferent. It makes people feel uncomfortable to see someone else actually taking control and making changes to their life.
The health condition thing struck a chord with me too. There are always several ways of looking at things.Now I've got breast cancer I've had different reactions.
Someone said, "what a waste of time losing all that weight" another one "do you think you wouldn't have got breast cancer if you were still fat?" another one "I've read that doing LL can kill you"
The way I see it is completely different - Thank God I did lose the weight. My boobs used to walk through the door before I arrived - how would I have found the lump? If I had it would probably have been too late. Also I am fit and healthy now, giving me the best chance of beating this.
If I was still over 21 stone how would my body have taken 2 general anaesthetics in 12 hours and all the rest of the treatment still to come? Would the NHS have had enough chemo in stock for me?
So, try to stay strong hun. You be proud. Glass more than half full my lovely. Remember those positive feelings, you can ride again, you KNOW look lovely, so do they. You are lovely - inside and out. xxx
Sorry to go on and on, Weebles is right -your pain struck me.
Keep reminding yourself why you decided to do LL and how you felt before.
As my LLC would say "Let your so called friends build a bridge and get over themselves".