Been looking at RTM forum...found this attachemnt, which is a list of what you can have during the 12 weeks of RTM and at what weeks they can be introduced. I think I would want to do the 12 weeks to be sure I'm all ok with food. Not under any illusions that I will still have the odd crooked thinking but I think after 12 weeks you'll know what your trigger foods are. Looks like people still lose quite a bit too. I'm really tempted to go on it in 2 - 3 weeks time, I'm starting to want food, esp fruit and fish lol. Decisions Decisions!!!!
So I havent updated for a few days, been stupidly busy at work. Its always the case when you are wanting to take holiday! Hey ho!
Been feeling a bit miserable too but I think its a number of things, I am going to miss the children while I am away! They may be adults but still my babies! Work is stressing me out I just cant settle in the role I am in I have only been doing it for a matter of months but its getting me down and I am struggling with that thought. I am hoping the holiday will help clear and refocus my mind. I am worried about food on the holiday and whether I will actually want to strangle my hubby, I am also worried he will kick off as I dont wear my wedding ring any longer! I actually think he will want to buy me one to wear whilst away, but could be wrong on that score. Its hassle as people notice things like lack of rings and yet if asked I will have to say I am married, as I am! Grrr
Right moan over I am determined not to be miserable, happy smiley lady T!
OOoo had some lovely compliments today from a number of people which was great, felt myself actually beaming whilst they were paying me compliments. Happy days! One guy told another I was HOT! lol I only know as the one he said it too told me lol
Catch up soon, keep strong beauties xxx
gracielou09 said:Wow, lot going on inside that gorgeous head of yours. Maybe you need to lay some ground rules down to him before you go a nice way of course. You should be looking forward to your holiday not be worrying about it.
I know I dont know your ex, but hun he is your ex. You may well be married on paper but you are in actual fact separated. I also get the feeling he was quite domineering too.
Listen hun, I dont profess to know you (other than a virtual you) or the circumstances, or to tell you what to do, but i believe you are a different person now to what you were when you were with him. You've grown so much both with confidence and an understanding of yourself and what you want. It is great you can both go on holidays but not at the detriment to you. Why the hell should you wear a ring ...your not a cow branded by your owner!!! No-one owns you! Dont let this man make you feel like you used too.
Remember Strong but Sexy!!!
As for your job, a little time to reflect is good, I always find with a new job a wobble often comes a few months down the line.
Food, I know you will be fine will make the right choices. But if you do have something you feel you shouldnt have then please dont beat yourself up over it ....its life and your on a cruise. If there is any damage to the WL during that week I know you'll get it off when you come back. Its all about balance ...but I know you know that lovely.
Hope you have a great time huni.
Dont let him knock what you've've worked too hard.
Hope I've not spoken out of turn
Will miss you
slendablenda said:Great post Jules,
Lady T: Don't get morally forced into doing anything you don't want to. If he's like most men he'll probably think it's the price you pay for being treated to a cruise.
Remember, he's getting a gorgeous woman as his companion.
If you want a reconciliation - that's a whole different ball game!
Have a super time. x
Great post Jules,
Lady T: Don't get morally forced into doing anything you don't want to. If he's like most men he'll probably think it's the price you pay for being treated to a cruise.
Remember, he's getting a gorgeous woman as his companion.
If you want a reconciliation - that's a whole different ball game!
Have a super time. x
Omg your comments are so inspirational and you are spot on with so much stuff! I am a strong confident woman and I and only I make my decisions now!
I think That I overthink things to much and shouldn't lol
I will try to stay in touch whilst away to give you updates lol xxx I am so going to miss you and the other ladies you keep me sane, strong and focused!!!
As for the Wl I am going to be careful but realistically have accepted there will be a gain, that's going to happen in life after the plan so for me it's all about damage limitation now and refocus when I get home!! Xxxxxxx