gracielou09 said:
He lovely,
How you doing? xx
Hi beautiful, alls good with me, thank you!
Over the past few days I have realised I need to think about my life goals so this weekend I will have some quality me time to work on them!
I am going for 30 day goals and also long term the reason being I know manifesting some short term goals will put my head back in a good space!
Over the past few months I have felt so lost within myself and knew I was existing, this leads to major pity parties! The only person who can make me happy and enjoy life is me, so bring it on baby lol!
This diet has been a time for me to reflect and learn more about myself some of which was hard to digest, the hardest was that in my dizzy head thin equals happy! Yeah right, that was a toughee for me as it could have easily given me crooked thoughts luckily it didn't and I stuck with it! The truth is thin( or slim in my case) has given me confidence and a boost, the feelings I have now about myself are so much better, still a little room for improvement though!
I said at new year 2011 will be my year, I could focus on negatives and think it's been rubbish but the reality of positives prove otherwise, sometimes our good thoughts get swamped by the negative ones. I have been learning how to switch those thoughts as one good thought leads to another.
Sorry total ramblings I know I woke up in a reflective mood lol
Right I'm off to see let my beautiful horses out for the day and then back to the grindstone of work.
Day 2 refocus is easy, bring it on!
Have a fab day Hun xxx