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Hey sweetie. Just caught up on your diary. I wouldn't worry too much about the excercise. We are putting our bodies threw enough as it is but gentle excersise shouldn't hurt. I may only be saying this tho as I'm the same as you and I'm finding I have a lack of motivation to do any. I hate the gym but looking into yoga classes which my LLc said is pretty good for you and is more of a workout than you think. I'm also like you and would like someone to go with tho so I'm gonna wait till I move house and start going with a mate who I will live near.
Keep up the good work tho and I've come to terms with 3lbs aswell. It's an amazing weekly result and when you actually look at 3lbs physically it's so so much. Keep your head high and I'm sure people in your office have noticed but some people are just too scared to mention it. I bet you were the talk of the office once you left. In a good way
Keep up the good work tho and I've come to terms with 3lbs aswell. It's an amazing weekly result and when you actually look at 3lbs physically it's so so much. Keep your head high and I'm sure people in your office have noticed but some people are just too scared to mention it. I bet you were the talk of the office once you left. In a good way