***Team 2 CD W8 Warrior Princesses!***

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I've been and WI and lost 3lbs this week :)
:)Well done thats fantastic
Thankyou ladies, good luck for this evening Lena :D I've also now lost 10.5ins :eek:
Wow well done Nicola!! and GL Lena :)
Good Luck Lena Im sure you will be fine... well done everyone on their losses and inch losses!!

I have a confessions.. It's my Dad's 60th this weekend so tonight Mum did us a massive roast... BUT I only ate what is allowed on Atkins... So very pleased.. Had to join in with the celebrations, I am throwing him a surprise party next weekend so might have to let my hair down a tiny bit! Hope thats not too bad!!???

Anyway just thought I'd be honest with everyone xx
along as you eat atkin food you sholud stay in ketosis and continue to loose weight - just stay away from evil carbs :character00115:! they will ruin you diet and take you out of ketosis xx
Hi all
just had my weigh in - lost 2 1/2 lbs, not the best but i am on the second day of a heavy period!
Well done Lena :D I'm getting excited about my first WI... I know it will probably be my biggest lost in one go so I can't wait to see the numbers and see how it's all worth it :p I think I'm in Ketosis now, been having a weird sweet taste in my mouth and just done a ketostix which turned pink/purple-ish - I am keeping hydrated with 3.5 liters a day. I hope the hunger will keep dimishing as my stomach shrinks.

Well done Lena thats a great loss esp as you're on your peroid.. Evil things!!

Would anyone else like to be team leader as I never get a chance to post results!?? x
Well Done Lena great loss :D

So who fancies team leader then so we can get some results submitted this coming weekend :)
I have the time to submit the results; only thing is I have no idea where I would be supposed to be doing it. If someone can point me in the right direction I don't mind doing it but I'm not sure you feel about having a "newbie" being the team leader... :)
I think you'll make a great team leader hun :) xxx not sure of details but im sure yummy mummy can help!
well done! if the sticks r changing colour your in ketosis, i check mine daily:eek: , it just helps to know your burning your own fat.
the hunger will dissapear - ive done 3 weeks now and never feel hungry! its weird- at first i had to leave the room when my family where eating but im fine now - id say it takes about a week to not feel hungry any more

You can post the results on here or when you post 50 posts (which you can see how many you've done on the left hand side) You can email Irene directly. The people who run the team thing often pop in on everyones threads asking for results.. Thats the only thing apart from just giving your team support etc which we all do anyway.. Sorry just never get time, got 3 children under 3, starting a degree soon etc nightmare! Lol!! xx
That's fine I'm happy to do that :) I should get to 50 posts in a few days anyway I reckon. Is their a specific time when I need to post the results? ie: Saturday evening?
Thanks for the info :)
okay... so I've had my morning shake and my porridge for lunch (I prefer it at lunch as it's my "thickest" meal so I feel like it keeps me going longer IYKWIM) it's now 2pm and I'm hungry - well it's not the same hunger as the past few days so I'm sure it's just cravings and habits. Grrr maybe a warm cup of that veg water flavouring would help (maybe feels like a very light soup?) but not allowed it yet :( Have u girls tried that yet? I find it very annoying when cooking (for kids & hubby) that I can't taste anything; I just have to hope that I've cooked the pasta/rice etc for long enough... lol
I nibbled a grain of rice the other day to see if it was cooked, I spat it out it out in the bin!

If you feel hungry try drinking a large glass of water, always good to have an extra glass!

The only times I feel hungry is when I'm bored, therefore I'm not actually hungry. I've done so much house work since starting this diet just to keep me busy.

I've not tried the veg water flavouring but I tried one of the fruit ones. I wasn't too impressed with it but glad I have it for a day when I get bored of water. I'm trying to increase my water up to 3.5/4 litres today. I've done 2 and a half already and normally drink 1 in the evening whilst watching telly.
Hi ladies, how are you all?? I'm sorry i wasn't able to post yesterday. I didnt go on the computer at all yesterday because i was too dizzy and sick with not having my glasses. I picked them up this morning tho so i can see now :).

Well done on your losses Lena and Forest. Lena 2.5lbs is so good considering you're on your period. I only lost 1lb when it was my TOTM, so you're doing fab.

I had my WI yesterday morning and i lost 3lbs. I am ok with that considering i have been nibbling abit.

Anyway, i hope you're having a good day.

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