Hello my darlings...I'm back on SS

Have had a horrible week and a bit plus was TOTM and slipped back into comfort eating

TBH was terrified of getting back on the scales ...... attempted it yesterday and managed to gain 7 lb

:cry: Ah well no sense in crying over spilt shakes I guess. Back to business!
You have all done sooo well, Im proud of you!!! You have definitely given me the inspiration not to give up and to get restarted!
Frantastic, *big hugs*, I'm sorry you have been feeling rough.... you did really really well to stick to just soups. I know exactly what you mean about work......it is so easy to put yourself under pressure I guess we really are our own worst critics sometimes.
Lizzylocket - well done for showing such restraint at your family meal! :talk017:
AuzzieRaquel, TOTM does get seriously screwed up when you're on CD......bless ya though ....2 continuous weeks sucks....for me, I was a week late with horrendous PMT and then it was incredibly heavy. Well done on your amazing loss

Mat - well done.....you have lost a load of weight and kept a fantastic attitude :happy096:
Has anyone heard from MissMallow?
Wow...that was a long post!
I'm off to shamefully update my signature now :ashamed0005: