Team 23 - Mission: SlimPossible

Hi Fraggle. It's great to have you back. Your losses were great for the 2 weeks, so if you can stick to it, I know you will continue do extremely well. I think I am doing well because I have been carrying the weight a lot longer than some and also I am limited on time, for a number of reasons that I won't go into.

Anyway, be strong and stay positive. :patback:
I've uploaded a new pic in my Album if anyone wants a peek.

When are you all going to upload your pics? :D
Wow Mat, you can really see your losses so far, especially in your face. You must be chuffed to bits! :party0038:
Hello my darlings...I'm back on SS :) Have had a horrible week and a bit plus was TOTM and slipped back into comfort eating :( TBH was terrified of getting back on the scales ...... attempted it yesterday and managed to gain 7 lb :eek::cry: Ah well no sense in crying over spilt shakes I guess. Back to business!

You have all done sooo well, Im proud of you!!! You have definitely given me the inspiration not to give up and to get restarted!

Frantastic, *big hugs*, I'm sorry you have been feeling rough.... you did really really well to stick to just soups. I know exactly what you mean about is so easy to put yourself under pressure I guess we really are our own worst critics sometimes.

Lizzylocket - well done for showing such restraint at your family meal! :talk017:

AuzzieRaquel, TOTM does get seriously screwed up when you're on CD......bless ya though ....2 continuous weeks sucks....for me, I was a week late with horrendous PMT and then it was incredibly heavy. Well done on your amazing loss :) :wow:

Mat - well have lost a load of weight and kept a fantastic attitude :happy096:

Has anyone heard from MissMallow?

Wow...that was a long post!

I'm off to shamefully update my signature now :ashamed0005:

Welcome back Fraggle, it's great to see you back here!! :character00148:

The 7lbs will soon come off, you'll probably find a lot of it is water retention so won't take you long to get back to where you were. Get back on the shakes and you'll soon forget all about the last week or so! :eatdrink017:
Don't be embarassed, you should be proud of your achievement!!

I'm going to have some photo's taken in a couple of weeks so will put some on then so I can track how far I've come!
I didn't intend to upload any photos, but I realised it will help me stay on track. I don't mind the front view photos, but I think I look hideous from the side, even though I have improved a little.
Hey everyone,

I'm so happy to see this board more active with everyone back.

Welcme back Fraggle sorry to hear you have had a bit of a rough time, hope you feel better soon.

I dont really have a before pic to use as motivation, though I have a pic of myself when I was skinnier and that is what I am hoping to be again, I use that as my inspiration.

How was everyones day? Had anyone had the cranberry bar, oh my gosh, had my first one yesterday - it was like such a treat!
I've only tried the peanut crunch bar so far and they are rather yummy. I find it slightly less filling than a shake, so I think it could make it easier for me to get my 3 meals in every day. I was thinking of trying the other bars too. I think I could quite happily do porridge every morning, a shake for lunch and a bar in the evening. Oh and the copious amounts of water!! :D

The only thing that concerns me a little is the difference in the nutritional values between the shakes and the porridge and bars. I would have thought it would have some effect on weight loss, especially when used regularly. Maybe I'll have to start a thread asking advice and opinions from people who have been through it all. :confused:
I;m not sure all I know that is that the peanut and cranberry are my fave, I wasnt a big fan of the others, too sickly.

I tend to have a bar, a tetra, then a working for me. I am waiting for an aerolatte (stir thingy) to arrive so I can make a mousse for dinner some nights.
The mix-a-mousse it great when you get it right. I feel that a bit of flavour is lost though, so it's better to choose the ones that have the strongest flavour to begin with. Butterscotch works really well. If you are using the Fibre89, I don't recommend using it in a mousse as it seems to stop it from setting properly.
Nah I am not using a fibre powder, but taking a tablet form of psyllium husks so its all good.

I tried to make a mousse with just a spoon, ahhh disaster, had to throw it out lumps and bleh! The texture was just gross.
Make sure you mix the mix-a-mousse in the packet with the shake power first, just in case you never knew that already. ;)

See you around soon. :)
Evening all!

Hope everyone is well and coping ok this week?

I've had a pretty pants day at work and have been extremely tempted to eat but have resisted so far. It has definitely made me look at the reasons for my overeating and has confirmed that I am an emotional eater. Being on this diet really makes you think about the reasons why you eat what you do and I hope that when I get to goal, I will have got my head sorted! I am NOT going back to square one again!

Got another busy day tomorrow so I'm heading off to bed shortly and will hopefully have a better day tomorrow!

Night all x
Sorry I missed you Lizzylocket. I'm hoping you have a better day tomorrow too. You got through today, being such a bad day and all, so I am sure you will make it through tomorrow too. Well done for staying strong and keep it up. :patback:
Just weighed myself and I have lost another 6lb this week. :D That means I have lost a third of the intended total weight loss in just 4 weeks!! :eek: I am now just 5lbs away from that 15 stone barrier. This is an amazing diet and it is changing my life. I feel awesome.
Sorry I missed you Lizzylocket. I'm hoping you have a better day tomorrow too. You got through today, being such a bad day and all, so I am sure you will make it through tomorrow too. Well done for staying strong and keep it up. :patback:
Thanks Mat! This whole week is just a write off work wise, haven't had a good day yet! Have my weigh in tomorrow morning so just keep thinking of that to stop me from raiding the fridge! :D
Just weighed myself and I have lost another 6lb this week. :D That means I have lost a third of the intended total weight loss in just 4 weeks!! :eek: I am now just 5lbs away from that 15 stone barrier. This is an amazing diet and it is changing my life. I feel awesome.
:wow:How are you doing it Mat?!! 30lbs in 4 weeks is absolutely amazing! You must be so proud of yourself and you deserve to be! :talk017:

I have my weigh in at 10am tomorrow and am hoping for a good loss this week, really need to break that stone barrier. Hoping to get the bars this week too to give me something to chew on, I don't get on with the porridge so am missing the whole chewing thing!:eatdrink023:

How is everyone else doing today??
Hey everyone

WOW Mat, I really cannot believe how much you have lost in 4 weeks! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow Lizzie Locket! Sure you will do just fine :) The bars are a nice change Lizzie and something I look forward to everyday, something to chew is certainly nice

I am going to be getting weighed saturday this week, and will prob be a saturday from now it will be a weigh after 6 days this time. I am hoping for a loss, but time will tell. I think I was very lucky with my last 2 week loss, so not expecting an amazing number.

CD wise, I am finding this week a little hard. I have had this sinus like headache (not sure if it is sinus or not though) all week, and not feeling the best. Been very tempted to pick and on tuesday ate a few chocolates at work - bad I know! Then didnt have a shake cos I felt so guilty! Since then I have been 'pick' free, has not been easy! Hoping once I feel better my mind will not feel so bad, cos all I have done this week is think about food I cant have. Does anyone else have times like this.

Too much info , but I am still on TOTM - getting slightly concerned, will be 3 weeks on thats bad!