Team 4 is no more :-(

Right... bad, bad, bad... I'm back on plan today but don't have great hopes for this week.. if I SS between now and Tuesday WI might be good. I'm really going to have to address my triggers and may just stay in instead of accompanying hubby when he wants to go out.
Hey everyone, I still haven't got round to doing the bloomin results. Anyone wanna take over as captain, I just don't feel I have the time at the moment!

As far as how I am... still haven't restarted. Gonna go for it tomorrow, I am really hoping that I can get passed day one of the restart. I can't wait to get started losing weight again, but it's blooming hard getting back on. I will do it, I know, but just struggling for a few days! x
Hi team!

Well, i'm still trying to be good! Had a couple of chciken salads at the weekend though :mad: Grrrr! But nothing too bad!

Have got me water in front of me and am gonna start glugging :tear_drop:

As for the team leader thing - i'd rather not do it. Do we really need a leader could we not all do our bit and take it in turns or summat?
Morning fellow team members, I've had a terrible week, probably 3-4 good days and 3 bad days but I'm putting them down to the steroids I've been on making me so darn hungry. Back to it today and have promised faithfully my CDC 100% commitment until next week's weigh in next Tuesday!!!!

Not sure about being captain either?? I guess I could if nobody else wants too but hopefully someone willing will step forward!

I am sorry! Maybe if we could just work out our own percentages each week and post them here? That might work? Tell me what you think

ArghhH! I am really struggling. Still didn't get started today. I have got to do something! If I can only get one day out of the way I will be fine!

Hope everyone is doing better than me!
Morning everyone, this is v quiet! I'm ok, day 2 of (numerous) restart but this week feeling very positive now I've got the medication out of the way!!! Bunny, if you let us know how to calc percentages I'm sure we can all do that!

Good luck for today, Loz, Bunny, Wannabe & Frances.


I'm here!

Still trying to be good :D and glugging my water etc!

To work out your % you just divide this weeks loss by your weight last weigh in and then times it by 100......i think!

I'm happy to do that bunny but someone will need to do the whole team % still?

Good luck with restarts everyone, you know you can do it!

I'm knackerd today :nightf:
Loz you're doing excellently, I'm doing ok today... can't wait to try my porridge for tea when I get home! cunning plan to have my porridge when I get in, and cooking DH's tea. Although have stuck a curry in the slow cooker for tonight so shouldn't be too tortuous!

Not feeling too bad today, hungry but not nearly as bad as yesterday and feeling quite positive that if I really stick to this by Christmas I'll have lost most of it!

Come on Team 4, let's kick the other teams' backsides!

I'm looking forward to my porridge for tea too! OH is out tonight so am home alone. I made choc mint porridge last night which was delish! Might try anotha flavour tonight! Oooooh!

Have my WI tomorrow night so fingers crossed that goes well!

Yep, fingers crossed for you hun. I've got another 7 days before WI, hoping to drop some in that time! You've been brill so sure it'll be a good one.
Morning ladies, how's everyone doing? are we giving WI results tomorrow? can't remember. Hope you're all doing well, 99 days till Christmas and I want to get to goal around about then....

Yup WI's tomorrow morning!

Crimbo will be here before we know it! Scary stuff!

I'm still being good - have WI tonight! Wooo! lol!

Where have the rest of our team gone du think?!!!
hi there, I'm still here. Had to cancel my trip to Vienna but the good news is I've lost 3lbs this week!! Breaking the 2 stone barrier, more than makes up for missing out on my trip.

Please can someone do the percentage for me as I really am crap at maths and I would have to phone my brainy sister!

Last week: 191 lbs
this week: 188 lbs (-3lbs) woohoo!
Well done you!

Sorry about your trip.

% is

3lb lost
divided by last weeks weight - 191lb
times 100


Well done!!!
This weeks results so far:

Bunnyg - ?
Hanloje - ?

Wannabe10 - ?
Loz1984 - ?
francesmag - 3lb (1.57%)
wannabeskinny - ?

Team Result - ?
Wow! Go you!

Can you submit your weight (in lb's) from last week please? Then i can do your % (we need it to do the team % too)
Bunnyg - ?
Hanloje - ?
Wannabe10 - 8lb (5.51% wow!)

Loz1984 - ?
francesmag - 3lb (1.57%)
wannabeskinny - ?

Team Result - ?