TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

I hope everyone is still participating in the team as I think we can really help each other out with motivation, tips and generally having a laugh! I look forward to chatting to you in hopefully not to distant future!
We now have 2 spaces to fill as lil_lisa hasn't shown up. I will advertise the spaces in the next couple of days just so you know what's going on when a couple of new people turn up tp say hello!;)
Oh! OK cool...
well I have lost 5lbs this week! how about everyone else?
Kelly looks like it is me and you chuck:(
Starting to think that to chicken! I must say I'm really disappointed!!!:(:(
I'm going to hold off on advertising our free spaces until the weekend and see if people turn up! I'm so sorry about this DR I'm not very happy that nobody other than me has been talking to you this week and please believe me when I say this team will get better (I don't handle losing very well so won't stick it for long!;)).
Don't worry I will stick around! even if we have to move together to another team!
Won't be moving to another team any time soon hun I'll rebuild this one in no time (I'm stubborn if you can't tell! lol). Stick with me hun and I'll do you proud trust me!;)
Okie dokie!:D
OK DR looks like it's just you and me girlie!:eek: I'm going onto the main site to advertise for team members so hopefully you'll see a few new faced appearing on here in the next day or so!;)
Hey all :)

Back from holiday! Hope you havent forgotten about me!

How are you all? welldone on your losses.
Well i went on all inclusive holiday to Egypt for a week....and i have come back lighter. Stuck to SS+ :) This is my 3rd day back just ssing and im soo glad lol. My WI is tomorrow. Over the past 2 weeks i think i have lost 6 or 7lbs buthave to wait for WI tomorrow.

Welcome Dieting rambler good to have you with us!
Well done and welcome back! It's a bit quiter at the moment as it looks like a few people have jumped ship but I'm working on getting that sorted out soon so stick with me won't you!
How was your holiday hun?

Yeah i read the posts. Dont worry im here to stay. If i can keep to it on an all inclusive holiday i can do anything.

Holiday was nice. Didnt really do much. Stayed in the hotel, chilled, learnt to swim....thanks to my OH hehe. Gonna be going swimming once a week from now on. No alcohol and no fruit/sweets/icecream!/carbs! SS+ was nice for a change. Waiters shoved food infront of me which i sent away! Feel very proud. Kinda glad to be home but miss the warm weather!! its FREEZING here!!
I weigh in on a thursday but until the new year I'm just trying to maintain rather than lose (long story read back through the thread). I'm one of the long termers on this diet and I keep having to come off it for one thing or another (again read through the thread) so chances are if you have any questions I should be able to help you (other guys on here are great as well mind you!;)).
Once again hun welcome to Moving Mountains!:D
OMG I typed out a huge reply and it disappeared:eek:

so in synopsis....Well done Burgerbun, and welcome to FairyWings!:wave_cry: