My weeks been rubbish too but am showing STS on all scales so hopefully will be able to pull out all the stops for Monday's WIi hope everyone is okSuch a sad time
Right my week has been a disaster as i knew it would be and i've managed to gain 3lb in 1 bloody week!!!!!So cross with myself!!! But im drawing a line under it and im going for it big style!!!!!
Berryred - (4lb, 1lb lost)
Blackwidow - (8lbs, 0lbs lost!)
Twiggy -
Bear 1982 - 2 (4lbs lost) (1.5 to go after gain last week)
beccabottle -
RecoveringChocoholic - (5lbs, 1.5lbs lost then a 2.5lb gain)
kdma - 2 - (5lb, 2.5lb lost)
Shabba - 2 - (3lb, -0.5lb lost)
IreneH - 2 (4 lbs, 0.5 lb lost )
HelenG - 0 (8lbs, 1.5lb lost)
Sarah_Frances - (8lbs, 0lbs lost)