Loves the Nom Nom!!!
Hey guys!! Been busy this past week so havent been on. Last week i lost 6.5lb!!! so i lost all that i gained :giggle: I was chuffed, not overly happy but pleased it was gone!!
Well done KDMA!!
July's target is doable! Lets hope i do it this time
Berryred -
Blackwidow - (8lbs, 0lbs lost!)
Twiggy -
Bear 1982 - (4lbs, 0lbs lost)
beccabottle - **
RecoveringChocoholic - **
kdma - (7lbs, 1lbs lost)
Shabba - (5lb, 0lbs lost!!)
IreneH -
HelenG - (6lbs, 0lbs lost)
Sarah_Frances - **
Kaz -
SlimBecca - (5lb, 0lbs lost!)
Back2black -
sugar_snap123 - (8lbs, 0lbs lost!)
vanda - (6lbs, 0lbs lost)
And the swap challenge i would have what im having for lunch..
2 Ryvita
2 Laughing cow cheese triangles light
Branston pickle, 1tbsp

Well done KDMA!!
July's target is doable! Lets hope i do it this time
Berryred -
Blackwidow - (8lbs, 0lbs lost!)
Twiggy -
Bear 1982 - (4lbs, 0lbs lost)
beccabottle - **
RecoveringChocoholic - **
kdma - (7lbs, 1lbs lost)
Shabba - (5lb, 0lbs lost!!)
IreneH -
HelenG - (6lbs, 0lbs lost)
Sarah_Frances - **
Kaz -
SlimBecca - (5lb, 0lbs lost!)
Back2black -
sugar_snap123 - (8lbs, 0lbs lost!)
vanda - (6lbs, 0lbs lost)
And the swap challenge i would have what im having for lunch..
2 Ryvita
2 Laughing cow cheese triangles light
Branston pickle, 1tbsp