Team 3 Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - New start for 2011!

well done Shabba on your great weight loss.
well done Shabba thats amazing! :D anyone else weighed in yet?

I lost 3.5lbs at WI yesterday :)

Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise)
beccabottle (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins)
Clareyh (10lbs, 0lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)

good luck everyone for WI :) xxx
Well done Rach thats great.

My first wi isn't until Monday, but have been good so far food wise, so hoping the weight will be going down then.
:happy096: well done!!!! Thats fantastico! :cool:
Another 25 mins off my exercise target!!! :D

Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise)
beccabottle (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins)
Clareyh (10lbs, 0lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 50 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Well done Rach another good weight loss
another 2 points for team loser, lost 2.5lbs today :)

Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)

Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise)
beccabottle 2 - (7lbs, 2.5bs lost/ 280mins exercise 20 mins done)
Clareyh (10lbs, 0lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
This is a crap loss but it's a loss none the less of 0.5lbs! so another 2 points.

not entirely unexpected result though!

Still start again today ..... onwards and upwards
Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise)
beccabottle 2 - (7lbs, 2.5bs lost/ 280mins exercise 20 mins done)
Clareyh - 2 (10lbs, 0.5lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)

A loss is a loss ClareyH, well done!

Well done to you too Becca, we're doing really well!

Anyone found anything particularly challenging this week? x
Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Twiggy 2 (6lbs, 1lb lost/280mins, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise)
beccabottle 2 - (7lbs, 2.5bs lost/ 280mins exercise 20 mins done)
Clareyh - 2 (10lbs, 0.5lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)

Lost a pound this week - not brilliant, but could have been worse. Got to get back to my exercises - was supposed to be doing 30 minutes a day, and last week I did 30 mintues a week lol ooops.

Great losses everyone - we rock! :)


45mins off my exercise target woop! Was pretty damn pleased with myself last night, did 350 steps on the step machine which is the equivelant of walking up the Wallace Monument and nearly half way back down and believe me thats a treck and a half.

Not too confident about WI tonight ladies, I'll try not to let you down!


Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Twiggy 2 (6lbs, 1lb lost/280mins, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise, 45mins done!)
beccabottle 2 - (7lbs, 2.5bs lost/ 280mins exercise 20 mins done)
Clareyh - 2 (10lbs, 0.5lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 0lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Good luck with wi tonight Claire you're doing great with the exercise
& well done the losses are going really well I hope I don't let you all down tomorrow
I lost 2 1/2 lb at weigh in tonight. So points for me too.

Irene xx

Blackwidow - 2 - (10lbs, 3.5lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 0mins done)
Twiggy 2 (6lbs, 1lb lost/280mins, 0mins done)
Bear 1982 (7lbs, 0lbs lost/ 280mins exercise, 45mins done!)
beccabottle 2 - (7lbs, 2.5bs lost/ 280mins exercise 20 mins done)
Clareyh - 2 (10lbs, 0.5lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done)
RecoveringChocoholic (6lbs, 0lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 0 done)
kdma (7lbs, 0lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
Shabba - 2 - (6lb, 3lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 25 mins done)
IreneH (4lbs, 2.5lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done)
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we are doing so well everyone :) I am so proud of you all!

looking forward to seeing how you do Claire - i'm sure you will do brilliantly :) xxx
Sorry ladies I have let u down, had a wee 0.5lb gain tonight, was expecting more to be honest after consuming a lot of alcohol at the weekend.

Going totally back to basics this week, starting again, completely a fresh!

Well done to everyone else

0.5lb is nothing Claire - so proud of you that after enjoying your weekend you have managed to limit your damage so much!

people might think a gain is a gain but it is so easy to put on a lot more than 0.5lbs - says she who has gained 13lbs on one occasion and 11lbs on another :p

you will easily have it off plus more next week hun :) love you! xx
hey girls , a bit late in joining in , but if i'm still welcome , here i am .
as you have introduced yourselves , a little about me
I'm Cheryl , single mum of 2 girls , 14 & 11, i work part time as a nurse , i'm 42.
a couple of years back i lost just short of 6 st on cambridge , sadly i didn't refeed properly & its all back & more :cry:
anyway i did start WW , weighing at a friends rather than going to group (finances ) but things happened !
i shall be restarting on plan saturday , with weigh in's on a weds
so thats me , hi :)
welcome to the group Pandora :) do you want to repost the list and give yourself a target for March? :)

we currently have an exercise challenge for so many minutes a month - 280 mins works out at 10 minutes a day :) xx