Sorry to report half a lb on - but I am clearly retaining fluid right now - have had an OK week, no major overeating but no points saved either I'm gonna update my exercise but wait till Rach has collated the weeks WIs before I add my points
Blackwidow - 1 - (10lbs, 3lbs lost / 280mins exercise, 300mins done) melvina** Twiggy - 2.5 (6lbs, 3.5lb lost/280mins, 195 mins done) Bear 1982 -(7.5lbs 0.5lb gained again / 280mins exercise, 255mins done!) beccabottle - 2 (7lbs, 3lbs lost/ 280mins exercise 235 mins done) Clareyh - (10lbs, 0.5lbs lost / 420 mins exercise, 0 done) RecoveringChocoholic -1(6lbs, 4.5lbs lost / 200 mins exercise, 220 mins done) kdma -2-(7lbs, 3lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 75 mins done) jennalou0802** Pandora - (7lbs, 0lbs lost ) Shabba - 2 -(6lb, 3.5lbs lost / 360mins excercise, 220 mins done) IreneH - 0 (4lbs, 1 lbs lost / 140 mins exercise, 0 mins done) HelenG - 1 (8lbs, 1lbs lost / 280 mins exercise, 200 mins done)
Well the damage was only small considering the long weekend i had! 1/2lb on and im actually happy! I was convinced it was at least 3lb sorry no points but this week was personal
Im ready to lose this week and even have free soup made up!!:flirt2:
I had a sts this week I am disapointed that I didn't lose any with the extra exercise i've been doing maybe it'll show next week
So i've not met my goal for this month hope i have better luck next month