Tee's diary

:-( I'm still up, soo tired!

Not felt hungry today, had a bowl of broccoli soup with a dollop of le roule, nom nom!

Opened my coconut flour and added a spoon to a mim along with a melted dollop of coconut oil and a spoon of cream once it was cooked. Very very nice!

Think I am in ketosis, metally taste in my mouth and my lil one didn't want a kiss coz mummy smells!!!! Thanks :) hoping its k and not the smelly broccoli soup!
Hi Hun, sounds like your hospital drama is over x. What idiots re the self harm accusation, typical of them. The amount of condescending health visitors talking down to me!!

dinner sounds lush! Desert even more so - so clever what you did with the coconut flour x.

Hooray for Ketosis! Shame about the smell, that's just how it is I'm afraid, our poor partners and kids, lol!! Liking your not WI for two weeks!

Have a good rest and lie in tomorrow. X
Morning tee, been catching up on your diary and I'm so sorry to hear you've had so much A&E drama, I can't stand health professionals sometimes they can be right patronising, at least he is ok and tucking in to some grub, good sign :)

well done for resisting the whispa (whats it doing in your bag young lady?) and the toast. Sausage much better option.
as for ketosis breath, I've not noticed anything, it could be because I can't smell you from here ;)
Morning tee, been catching up on your diary and I'm so sorry to hear you've had so much A&E drama, I can't stand health professionals sometimes they can be right patronising, at least he is ok and tucking in to some grub, good sign :)

well done for resisting the whispa (whats it doing in your bag young lady?) and the toast. Sausage much better option.
as for ketosis breath, I've not noticed anything, it could be because I can't smell you from here ;)

Hey! The wispa was in my bag cos it was a freebie on O2 priority moments :) and it is still there!!!! It's going in the fridge now, just realised I also had a bag of macadamia nuts, I could have done a fat fast day and had them!

Glad you can't smell it! I'm going to try one of my ood ketostix later just for confirmation.... I like visual things..... Last time I did atkins I found it the best way to keep me on track, they were always dark pink or purple and that stopped me from straying!

You are doing really well! Sure you will see the 9's next week :) the bars scare me though as they always stall me. Keep it up xx
Slow start today, still not eaten because I've been sat surfing the web :-/

Done the 20 beginners Kettlebells and the upper body and abs section on Davina :) feeling energised! 1l of water which is good for me as I tend to drink more in the afternoon.

Lovely breeze out there today which helps! Got a craving for cheeseburger pie, saw the recipe on here last night so hopefully the mince from the freezer is defrosted enough. Going to have that with lots of spring greens.

Q for those that have spinach, how do you cook it?

Last time I cooked it I was put off by the horrible film and taste it left in my mouth. Last night the family had a pasta bake and it had spinach in it, I had a taste and it was lovely, no film, no aftertaste! Help!!!!

Think it will be chicken salad for tea tonight, pudding is rhubarb :) x
Slow start today, still not eaten because I've been sat surfing the web :-/

Done the 20 beginners Kettlebells and the upper body and abs section on Davina :) feeling energised! 1l of water which is good for me as I tend to drink more in the afternoon.

Lovely breeze out there today which helps! Got a craving for cheeseburger pie, saw the recipe on here last night so hopefully the mince from the freezer is defrosted enough. Going to have that with lots of spring greens.

Q for those that have spinach, how do you cook it?

Last time I cooked it I was put off by the horrible film and taste it left in my mouth. Last night the family had a pasta bake and it had spinach in it, I had a taste and it was lovely, no film, no aftertaste! Help!!!!

Think it will be chicken salad for tea tonight, pudding is rhubarb :) x

Wow! Davina and kettlebells!! So motivated - I'm impressed, and it will pay off x.

I've not finalised menu yet and been thinking about spinach too! Creepy! I always put it in curries, really brings out the flavour. Couldn't ever imaging eating it boiled and bland...yuk! Put straight in a pan with butter, lots of seasoning; salt, pepper and chillie flakes and stir fry on high heat until the film and water is gone, maybe???

Your so clever and inventive with puddings :).

Have a great day x.
Lol don't be too impressed Busy! Think it was only about 45 mins in total! Didn't feel like I was doing much with the Kettlebells but I guess it's all dynamic movement.....

Cheeseburger Pie in the oven! Instructions said to use foil, doh! Ran out! Didn't fully drain the mince either, thought we needed the fat for Atkins?!?

My puddings are out of desperation at times, I made an almond flour flax mix MIM but it wasn't as nice, I like the crunch if the coconut :) the only thing with the rhubarb is you need a bit more Splenda to take the sharpness away, but it adds to my daily carbs so all good! I'd love a chocolate cake right now though :-/


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End result!!! I know why you should use foil now! No pic of the little one cos it's in ma belly! No way would my hunger let that bad boy cool down! Not had the greens either so will have an avocado in a bit :)


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Lol don't be too impressed Busy! Think it was only about 45 mins in total! Didn't feel like I was doing much with the Kettlebells but I guess it's all dynamic movement.....

Cheeseburger Pie in the oven! Instructions said to use foil, doh! Ran out! Didn't fully drain the mince either, thought we needed the fat for Atkins?!?

My puddings are out of desperation at times, I made an almond flour flax mix MIM but it wasn't as nice, I like the crunch if the coconut :) the only thing with the rhubarb is you need a bit more Splenda to take the sharpness away, but it adds to my daily carbs so all good! I'd love a chocolate cake right now though :-/

They say anything over 40 mins is ineffective anyway. I only do 40mins in gym. Kettlebells will be toning in all the right places providing your doing the correct movements even if it doesn't feel like it.

I never drain mince, sure you'll be fine x. I know what you mean about being so starved, many a time I've ripped a leg or wing of the chicken soon as its out the oven.

Your so clued on when it comes to sorting healthy treats, guess the puddings are a big deterrent to cheating!

Hope your having a great day.
How did the pie turn out? And like Busy says, don't worry about draining it - it will all cook down. Jim swears by the cheapest fattiest meats.
How did the pie turn out? And like Busy says, don't worry about draining it - it will all cook down. Jim swears by the cheapest fattiest meats.

It was very nice indeed! Not how I had imagined it in my head but good all the same! I guess the little bit of fat that was left congealed but I don't mind that, I've eaten worse!!!
Horrible day emotionally yesterday so didn't feel I could write on here :-(

Food wise, cheeseburger pie for brekkie and lunch followed by stewed rhubarb using waaaaay too much Splenda and lots of squirty cream. Dinner was an omelette with le roule and a glass of diet coke. Lost count how much water I had which I guess is good.
Hi good morning,

Sorry to hear about bad day yesterday. Well done you for staying on plan x.

Glad your package arrived safely x. I'd use about 1/4 packet in 500g of mince. Then add more if you want more heat x.


Fancy doing a 2week kettleworx chsllenge, which ones do you have?
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<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=100306"/>

Fancy doing a 2week kettleworx chsllenge, which ones do you have?

Sounds um..... Interesting busy! I've got the Chinese looking lady one.....bought it from the supermarket, it's small and red lol I'm at the park, will type which one once I'm home.

So what's involved? I ached all over my back yesterday from Fridays session so sticking with it :) x
Sounds um..... Interesting busy! I've got the Chinese looking lady one.....bought it from the supermarket, it's small and red lol I'm at the park, will type which one once I'm home.

So what's involved? I ached all over my back yesterday from Fridays session so sticking with it :) x

It is effective as your targeting, you will get results x. Do you wanna do kettleworx 3x a week, gym or a DVD on in-between days?
Gammon, celeriac chips, romaine lettuce, celery & cucumber for dinner, stuffed! Had a coffee in Nero with some cream, that's 2 today, ah well!

Going to get some unsalted butter tomorrow and give one of these bullet coffees a go! Tried coconut oil in one before but only stirred it, gads!!!! Only prob is I only have a hand blender not a whisk....... See how it goes!
It is effective as your targeting, you will get results x. Do you wanna do kettleworx 3x a week, gym or a DVD on in-between days?

It's kettlenetics I've got, I could do the 40min workout 3x a week and depending how achy I am I will do 30 day shred level 1 on inbetween days!

Lol I think this heat is getting to me!!!!! :)