tempted beyond belief

Hi . Today has gone fab loass of water and hundred percwnt stuck to itt.. my hpuse is the cleanest it has wver been to keepy my mind occupied haha . I am coming into week six so thought it would be easier but it is getting harder ! It doesnt help that things at work and home are a tad stressful and my usual coping mechanism was to eat so I need to find another put let that isn't so self destructive . This forum really does help though x
When I'm at work in the week, I have no problem sticking to it 100%, but put me in the house all day with the kids (who seem to do nothing but eat!) and I have no willpower whatsoever! I'm weak, I admit it lol.

Gonna ask my CDC if I can do step 2 in the week then step 3 on the weekend. Think ill feel better if in eating more on the weekend. Sure it will take me longer to shift the weight but I have time :)

I will become the person I am in my head!!!

Eating is cheating ;-)
Well done on today...send me some of that determination!!!!

I will become the person I am in my head!!!

Eating is cheating ;-)
Hi . Today has gone fab loass of water and hundred percwnt stuck to itt.. my hpuse is the cleanest it has wver been to keepy my mind occupied haha . I am coming into week six so thought it would be easier but it is getting harder ! It doesnt help that things at work and home are a tad stressful and my usual coping mechanism was to eat so I need to find another put let that isn't so self destructive . This forum really does help though x

Brilliant news jenboo, well done!
Hi . Today has gone fab loass of water and hundred percwnt stuck to itt.. my hpuse is the cleanest it has wver been to keepy my mind occupied haha . I am coming into week six so thought it would be easier but it is getting harder ! It doesnt help that things at work and home are a tad stressful and my usual coping mechanism was to eat so I need to find another put let that isn't so self destructive . This forum really does help though x
Fantastic - you sound heaps better today, sweetie! Onwards and downwards lol. xx
Lol thanks everyone. Hunger is defo setting. In thoigh this is hsrd !
Think Sundays are the hardest days of all - been reading lots of posts on the other threads and lots of us finding it tough going today - but together we are stronger!
Awwww nooty I hve caved as well have given into my addiction :-( really need some help here xx
You can do this. You are in control of food. Not the other way around. I find getting out of the house really helps. Or playing with the cat or dog and watching movies to pass the time.

Also stock up on lots of water!
Well done, so not looking forward to my wi Thursday though hope it's not done too much damage!... Fingers crossed x