Ten stone Challenge

Just to say hello - I've been catching up with your diaries and I hope you're on the mend after surgery. Please do take care of yourself, and I'm sorry your friend laid a guilt trip on you a few posts back. I'm sure she means well, but that's an incredibly harsh thing to do to someone who is trying to diet. Sending you all my good wishes and hopefully see you around the forum again when you're feeling better!
Poor Whizzy :(

Hope you feel lots better.
Hope you feel much bettr soon and manage to get back on plan xx
Hello everyone. I couldn’t stay on plan per medical guidance but I’m back now. Both surgeries done now. I’ve a metal spinal implant and battery. Still healing as the incisions were right down my back from waist and also across to left hip. i now have the fun of stopping morphine after years of taking it which is an extremely unpleasant process. I’m also spending a lot of time laid down resting as the dressings took my skin off my back when they were removed. Urghhh. I also had a CSF leak after the surgery (look it up if interested I won’t dwell on here).

I started plan again today. Two shakes down. Pretty hungry. 4 pints of water done. 6 weeks to my first holiday in five years. Time to do some online window shopping! Physical activity and driving are out until August but this diet is great that you don’t have to be active for it to work.

Hope Everyone is doing well. I will check in on my friends. X
Welcome back Whiz:classic_smile:

You have had a rough old time of it (((HUGS))) and I wish you a very speedy recovery.

Looking forward to your holiday in six weeks should help keep you focused and on plan.👍
Guys I'm thinking of starting the Exante diet and wondering what one would be best for me...im a 22st 6ft 2 man with a bmi of 39....should I go straight into the Total one or the 800 calorie mens one...do both put you into ketosis?...also how long should you do the diets before it becomes ness to have a break.?..and can i still go swimming..norm do 80 lengths in 25metre pool..or will i be to tired...very new to this type of diet?.sorry
How are you doing, Whiz? Hope your recovery is still going well?
Hi Everyone, sorry for being absent. The last year has been quite a challenge. My weight is back up to 22st6lb and frankly I feel dreadful. I’ve restarted total solution today. Going good so far. I have missed my friends on here and will endeavour to track you down and see how you’re doing. New Year, new start. Good luck all xxx
I've restarted today, Good luck xx
It’s odd how tastes change. I’m using up old packs and had lemon pancake for breaky and they were great! I made 5 mini pancakes. They were so good I had the blueberry ones for dinner. Really odd because I didn’t like them before which is why I had 6 packets left.
I haven’t drunk enough as I had two bus journeys and a panto to get through with my 4 year old. Fab day. The only slip was a love heart sweet my son pushed in my mouth and said I love you mummy. I wasn’t spitting that out! Roll on day 3.
Maple syrup pancakes for breaky. Yummy apple crumble for lunch. I’ve had quite a bit to drink but I have to say I’ve had to catch myself from slipping while making my sons lunch (I’m an automatic food bin usually). I’m also feeling a bit light headed. Hopefully this will subside after tomorrow. Hope everyone’s having a good day.
If anyone really wants something to chew get the gooey lemon pudding I couldn’t read the instructions so I mixed with 30ml water and microwaved for a minute. It was like a chewy cake. Tasted nice, took ages to eat and felt satisfying to chew. Nice surprise.

I’m less bloated, feel a bit more awake and it’s almost 11pm (I actually made it past 9pm before going to bed which is rare). Day 4 tomorrow.
I've got 10 stone to lose as well.x Starting Day 3 today
Hi Cob. I’m so glad to have company! How are you finding it? I’ll have a look for your diary.

Day 5 for me. Down to 22st. Feeling brighter and hunger has subsided. Maple syrup pancakes for breakfast with black coffee. I’m finally used to coffee without milk and I prefer it now. I’m glad I persisted.

Have a great day. X