Gold Member
I think Hollie going like it then london is way expensive and no one seems to sell stuff on ebay either it always long distances away it was an mothercare return! im going let Hollie have it now so she gets the wear out of it, I dont know wot to buy her for xmas yet.
Are you still looking for new house might make you feel better when its sorted ur maternity leave is going way to fast! is there any work around for Andy to apply for or can he get work as a temp until something else comes up?
Its freezing and wet here! im not going out no more today! I think once ur back at work ur be so busy hun it might be easier sticking to pp's, less planning than sw! im not hungry so far today its evenings I struggle if I dont stay within pp's today then ive blown it so must be good! x
Are you still looking for new house might make you feel better when its sorted ur maternity leave is going way to fast! is there any work around for Andy to apply for or can he get work as a temp until something else comes up?
Its freezing and wet here! im not going out no more today! I think once ur back at work ur be so busy hun it might be easier sticking to pp's, less planning than sw! im not hungry so far today its evenings I struggle if I dont stay within pp's today then ive blown it so must be good! x