Ha ha ha thats a good ideal lol mine were hid for like 3 months lol. But made him get them out as I need to know my weight on this diet.
I hope you get your well earned surprise on the scales![]()
You're a complete inspiration! And I say that as a maintainer since last September. I understand your struggles - it's really hard. But your determination really shines through and you've done incredibly well so far.
Back in may 2011 I was over 15 stone and size 18. I'm now 9 st 5 and size 8. I did Cambridge for a few stone of it and calorie counted the rest. So .... PLEASE stick with it. Never take your eye off what you want to achieve. Make a list if ten things you're looking forward to when you reach your target. Reward yourself for every half stone lost ... A lip gloss, a magazine, a hot bath, a new book ... It really helps.
I can promise you ... It is amazing to finally be slim and to be able to indulge in my passion - clothes!! You'll get there because you have the right attitude.
I would suggest that you start looking into maintenance now though. Read up on it. How will you eat once you have reached your goal? Will you calorie count? Follow SW principles? Low fat? However you do it, it's crucial to prepare properly. I did and it's the reason why I am almost 9 months down the line and below my original target. Yes I have blips. But I have a plan so am better able to stop weight gain at , say 2 or 3lbs as opposed to stacking back on 20lbs and feeling like I've failed.
Happy to help you further if you'd like. I've got lots of little hints and tips : ) I just wanted to post and offer my support. Keep strong, don't think in terms of ' days off plan ' and just get on with the job in hand. Which is exactly what you're doing
I did CD and a bit of S and S and managed 7 weeks in total before I just couldn't take it any longer. So you're doing really very well indeed. It's extremely hard to keep the focus but really - what's the alternative? You've come this far now you might as well see it through. That's what I used to tell myself!
I had a diary on here. It's full of really good hints and tips etc and relevant to anyone on a VLCD. It's in the CD section and it's entitled ' slightly chubby girl slim ' ... I don't post on it any more but it's a pretty informative read : )
Oh you'll notice alright when the weight creeps back on! Maintenance is a really weird thing. I mean, do you suddenly think ' terrific! I'm 9 stone. Let the eating commence ? ' .. I've done that in years past and just stacked it all on again. I just cannot go through the whole weight loss thing again so I use a clothes addiction to keep on the straight and narrow. I have spent literally thousands on a lovely collection of stuff, nothing bigger than my ultimate size - a 10 and most in an 8. I threw out every single piece of clothing bigger than that: that way no excuses is there? I also will never ever wear leggings again. I used to wear them all the time really ...
I'll always be a compulsive eater. I've realised this. I'm not an emotional eater and I don't suffer with depression or anything like that but bloody hell ... I really really like junk food. I love cheese, cakes, kettle chips, sweets and could very happily eat a steady stream of these all day long / no meals, just snacks. And the temptation to do just that is never far away.
I love being slim though and you will too. So the forward planning is vital - but, weirdly , at the same time, you have to keep focused on what you're doing now.
Another tip I would give you is to stop thinking of your ultimate goal. I'm not sure what you weigh now ? But if it's , for example, 14 stone 7, make your target 13 stone 13. Really concentrate on achieving that. And then .. You'll get to 13 st 13. Revise it again: make your goal 13 stone 6. And go for it. Tell yourself it's your goal. And then ... Adjust to 12 stone 13. Seriously , it sounds mad but it really makes the whole thing less daunting and more achievable. It can be a bit self sabotage-y to think ' oh god I've got 70lbs to lose ' etc. I found that really useful anyway in concentrating the mind.
Feeling really crappy today got a real banger of a headache and my totm is just starting feeling really irritable and grumpy, would really love to sleep the day away but my 4 kids have other ideas lol
My leg is really are today too, I'm in a sexy walking boot as I've snapped my Achilles' tendon and getting around to do housework and look after the kids has been really hard,
I remember the last 2 times I tried to do lipotrim my mood was so low on day 4 & 5 that I was begging my husband to let me stop the diet ( he never would) but although I feel low today I don't feel like giving up at all, my hubs is off out with his friends so hoping a peaceful relaxing evening to myself will snap me out of my gloomy mood
Going to make the mild curry into a chicken and veg curry for my tea this evening, not tried the curry yet so hoping its nice
Oh no you poor thingyou really aren't having a great time of it! Your leg must be so sore! Will it repair itself or do you need an op?
I'm not a huge fan of the curry but can tolerate it made the way you are going too! I find it a little sweet though so end up adding extra curry powder and chilli to it!
Hehe I also have had the odd time when I've said I want to give up but the hubby bless him always manages to talk me round to the reason in doing this etc
Hope your feeling better soon Hun, this diet is tough and we all have our down days! Xx