I can't like this post enoughVery truethough I tried it on the OH on his arm and he lost and inch, think he just dust wrap me properly!
Well day 100and guess what?.......I did it
stepped on the scales this morning an I was 14:4!!! I got my half century! Woo hoo
You are doing so fantastic 100 days is amazing
Do you know if totm will help with weight loss or will it slow it down, I usually gain about 3/4lb the week before its due but it came this morning after being 2 weeks late, and I weigh on Wednesday so am I right in thinking I shouldn't affect it now its started
I can't like this post enoughI had a wobble last night, even had the take away menu on screen! Read your diary (and a couple of others) and it was the kick up the bum I needed.
I read your whole Diary last night when I was considering just giving up and I must say that it has given me a new lease of life where this diet is concerned, Thanks.
You are doing so well! We had a similar start weigh too, Well done xx
Weigh in day for me lost 8 3/4 lbs, waiting in for my packs to arrive feeling a bit hungry, I dunno why but I never lose the hunger even when I'm in ketosis
Good luck with the potty training twin girls are refusing to use the potty I've tried everything to bribe them into using it but just not budging they are too stubborn just like daddy ;-)