Well last night was my last day of 3+ protein meals! Back to 4 packs as of todayit will be interesting to see how much Iv lost on the 3+ though and I have enjoyed having the few meals Iv had! I really do think this diet is making me re-evaluate the way I eat and look at food, I know now that I can have something filling quick easy and healthy! I DO NOT HAVE TO RESORT TO TAKE AWAY lol
I had tuna salad last night and loved it, normally if that had been put in front of me I'd have asked where's the chips and bread with it lol
I do find the few ppl that know I'm doing this diet most of them are looking at me to faileven my own parents! Thankfully my OH and my best friend are making sure I stick to it!
Damn it the hubby is say next to me eating Chinese take outdya think I can get away with stabbing him with the fork lol
Lol he apologised an tried offering me a rib :0 how rude and thoughtless! Needless to say he got punched in the arm for itIv told him its his last take away as he really needs to lose a lot of weight!
just caught up with your diary, fantastic results! Ignore the people who put you down, it's usually down to jealousy that you are doing something positive. Also a lot of people don't understand how this diet works and think you are starving yourself.
Exercise wise (just a thought) could you take the kids swimming? Even if you don't actually swim you can do jogging on the spot whilst in the water with them, bringing your knees up higher, sprinting. These are all thing I do in my aquafit class. All good exercise plus the kids gets some too and it's fun
but think of the cardio!It's great till you come to a hill! going up hills nearly kills me lol