The 14st Curse: Ellie's journey

Keep going and maybe adjust your calories upwards. I know it sounds stupid but you could be on starvation mode x
Hm I think that I had one bad day, Gem. That plus TOTM. If I get another bad week this week then I might try going upwards for a bit. It would just feel so wrong! But I could do it.

I have been really upping what I do in the gym this last month.. but then before that I was cycling 15 miles a day for 5 days a week. So it shouldn't be a shock to my body.. anyway.
I can have "blip" days and recover from them ("blip" weeks are a little different). I remember TOTM could put on up to 4lb but disappearing quickly once over.

There is a fine balance with calorie intake - reduce and you lose weight - reduce a little too much and the body says "help there's a famine, I must retain as much as I can". The result is the metabolism slows and you burn less calories per activity. It's a primitive survival reaction that comes into play - I am no expert but have experienced (and used it) many times x
Ok well things seem to be sorting themselves out again. I'm back to 13st 11lb this morning. That's the weight I was last week. It means I'm 4lb away from my target I have to be at for between 1 week and 2 weeks away (the WI date is the 15th but you get a week leeway).. So, I've just got to work my ass off this week. Now TOtM is out the way, I can really get back to losing again.

I'm going for that effing balloon this week!!

Good for you Ellie - Determination might just let you whip it from under our noses. We're watching you x
Thanks Gem, thanks Clarri :D

I've decided that my new thing is going to be a basic diet of 1000calories per day, plus whatever I exercise off. Some days I burn off 1000calories just at the gym so it makes no sense to stick to 1000cals on those days. So for example today I have circuit training tonight. I guess it'll be 500calories burned off (1hr workout) so 1500cals today.
Plus it'll encourage me to exercise, as I'll get to eat more! :D
WOW I was looking through some old photos and found some from last december before I started losing weight in january.. What a mahoosive difference! I mean wow. sometimes you don't realise what a change your body goes through when losing weight. My face looks so much chubbier in the photos! And my whole body! And the outfit was one I thought looked good at the time. Now I look and I think hm. Needs to lose a few lb!
What a shock that was.
Well done Ellie. It's good when you notice the difference isn't it x
Er. Any ideas on how to get rid of sabotage fairy anyone? I reached goal but then sabotage fairy hit again. If I'm good tomorrow I might make it back to weight again, I haven't weighed but feel sure that I've got glycogen weight.

But I'd really rather not deal with sabotage fairy when I had just been getting back on track!
She'll flutter in and out of your life Ellie - just be aware she is about and make sure you win overall. Let her do her bit then tell her "Enough, be gone" and work on it for a few days. I don't think you can spend your life fighting her - just have a relationship where you have the upper hand x
Beautifully put, gem. Won't let me rep you unfortunately!
Luckily Sabotage fairy has fluttered away today and hopefully I can lose that unknown glycogen weight again for WI tomorrow.. (I didn't weigh this morning to avoid sab fairy, and to stop myself from getting disheartened if I'd put on 10lb of glyco weight!)
That relationship's working already x
Well this month I decided to try an experiment really. I thought that I would try and bypass the fight with the sabotage fairy and just go this month not weighing. I'll be interested to see the result. I've also been doing a semi-VLCD just using the packs I have. Really I've been using it in a slimfast type way.

But it just means that this month I will be going to my official weigh in totally blind! Eek. But that's better. I know I can't sabotage it if I don't know, and it will get me to the weight without the head stuff getting in the way. When I'm there, hopefully I can get used to it.

Eh we'll see. fingers x-ed.
Good luck with that one Ellie - this time of year it's hard anyway x

Have a good one. x x