The 6 teams... everyone assigned a place :)

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hey also a newbie and would love to be on a team, great site cant believe in all my years of weight watching i'm only finding it now.. this time i am getting to goal and finishing what i started!!
would it be possible for me to join a team also
l weigh in on sundays
sasha / aaleigha we're just calibrating teams atm so should let you both know in next couple of days re: spaces :) x
hey GD, pop your name in this thread for now - we've got a few people waiting, but we're just working out where we have spaces at the mo :)

also, keep checking back on this thread as I can't PM you (you don't have 50 posts) and so here is the only place i can tell you which team you're in x
I've put myself down in the other thread but thought there'd be no harm posting here as well!! I'm looking to join a team if possible - thanks x
I'm the same as fairycake. I asked to be added to team three but maybe I should have posted here first.

So please can I be added to the first available team... please ?(see how I groveled there? :) )

Hello, is it possible for me to join a team? im new to all this but need the pressure and motivation to keep going with the weight watchers!
Hello hello

May I please join the team as well. I could really appreciate some group support. Thank you xxxxx
Hi, can i join a team please. i attend my first weight watchers meeting tommorrow morning, so could do with some compertition and support. Thanks
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