Bubble, I have fallen off the wagon too. Been really busy, still out with the kids at 6.15 called into the pound shop and bought a bag of the mis shapes chocolates. Unfortunately most of them were the caramel ones with the nut in the middle, kids didn't like them so guess what? I ate them all on the 5 minute car journey home. I reckon I had at least 8 and they have to be at least 2.5 syns each. That's 24 syns! And have just had a very small glass of wine. Another 4 syns probably. I was hungry when we got back in the car from shopping and the kids ripped into the chocs to see what sort were in there (it's lucky dip, you can't see through the bag). I had 2 and thought that's ok, then when I realised they weren't going to eat them, I thought, it's only a few chocs, and one led to another. Anyway, don't be too fed up with yourself because I am right here with you. Had been a good day food wise apart from that. Chin up chick, stick to 10 syns for next few days and you will limit any damage. You do so much exercise, you will most likely be ok anyway. Xxx