The battle of the Bubble

Hi sugarrush, not good mate but we do have to treat ourselves sometime or other. ;)

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29+36= 65
Still in woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo!!! Thanx pip! :D week not ruined! X

On another note walked 14.9 miles so far today!!!

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Wow that's a lot of miles! Inspired me to do some exercise tonight. It's great when treats fit in with plan!
Oh pebbles it was my 30th aswell, she werent due til july like my other 2 but went into labour after my bday celebrations and as i had 2 c sections in the 4 years they couldnt risk tearing so she was another c section a month early. Very scary!

Try to get J to pay you deserve a treat after the beginning of the week! :D

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These are my horrors at cparcs. :)<img src=""/> Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app

Oh bubble what a beautiful picture xxx

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Thanx Von its come out gorgeous just ordering a canvas for my mum in cyprus think she'll love it. :)

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Evening bubble :)
14.9 miles.... Wow!! That's amazing! And well done for counting the syns in McDonald's, it's great that you're still in your allowance :)
Hope your ear starts to feel better soon!
And what a gorgeous photo!! :)
Evening Bubbly one :p, well done for syning the mcd's. With all the body magic your doing, I don't even think u need to worry hun, your doing super ! Omg I love the pic, your little terrors are absolutely beautiful :):):), I think your family in Cyprus are gonna love the pic ! :D

Kay xx
Mrstore i need your doughnuts!!!!

Well today my ear/head has not hurt so no pain killers needed. Hoorah! But... i am as deaf as a post unless you shout or come close to my left ear i will not hear you. :(

Todays food

Fruit salad, activia
Grilled courgette peppers and halloumi hexa
Mcds 36 syns (no photo theres one on mcdonalds boards);)
2 satsumas
Had no hexb thinking of toast with a cuppa

2 syns for teas

67 syns this week. 1 day to go 38 syns left. :D

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Oh poor bubble, hope ear clears up soon, hugs :hug99:. Kathryn needs to change her pic, its tempting me too, so not good for us :D xx
At least its not hurting Super loser Kay :D

Ive got 4 doughnuts left to claim from krispy creams next time i go. Cant wait.... might make it a bday treat. X

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At least its not hurting Super loser Kay :D

Ive got 4 doughnuts left to claim from krispy creams next time i go. Cant wait.... might make it a bday treat. X

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Oh yummy krispy kreme, those were the days :rolleyes:. I'm going to give myself a treat day on Tuesday bubble, it my operation on Wednesday, feeling bit scared about the pain. But after op, docs orders I will be on a strict liquid diet for a few weeks so I want to eat normal food the day before and enjoy myself. Funny thing is I don't know what do eat ? God when I'm doing my salad challenge I'm always dreaming of food I cant have and now I can have it, I don't know what I flippin want, typical ! Any suggestions bubble ? What u having for your birthday ? :D

Kay xx
Mmm i know what you mean, its the forbidden fruit scenario. Were having the bday meals next fri at TGIs so no doubt something very fattening. Not sure what you could have mate. How long will you be on liquids? Perhaps one of your mums lovely home cooked meals. X

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Aw they're gorgeous bubble! How old are they? X
Mmm i know what you mean, its the forbidden fruit scenario. Were having the bday meals next fri at TGIs so no doubt something very fattening. Not sure what you could have mate. How long will you be on liquids? Perhaps one of your mums lovely home cooked meals. X

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Yep I could ask her, but don't want to trouble her. Was thinking either takeaway, my sis will be around or we go out for a meal. Hmm will keep thinking and report back, mind u TGI sounds yum to me :p, we have one not so far from us, have u checked out the menu for syns ? I might do that now :D. Thanks for the idea bubble xx
Kay its your mum you wouldnt be troubling her thats what we mums do.
There you are planning your last supper and still worrying about the syns!! Bless ya. X

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In bed watching comedy gala got graham laughing his head off i can hardly hear!! Not got the same effect with subtitles. Stuck a record on for when im better. Love the comedy galas. :D

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Kay its your mum you wouldnt be troubling her thats what we mums do.
There you are planning your last supper and still worrying about the syns!! Bless ya. X

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lol :D you've got my head fixed on TGI's now bubble, all your fault lol . Oh I love comedy programmes too :p xx