Your right sweetie tomorrow is a new day. Just counted up my syns to 28 for today!
Had a difficult day at work and reached for chocolate without even thinking!
Oh well try again tomorrow. X
Ok, well you recognise what the problem was and 28 syns isn't that bad. its when they're not even countable that you have to worry

You *could* try and claw back some syns during the week but for you, at the moment, I'd think that might be counterproductive, so how about we call it a flexible syn day and you just try and carry on but don't feel BAD about it. Learn from it, put it behind you and just carry on from this point. DON'T let it set you off on a downward spiral or you'll have wasted what you'd already achieved this week and you had been good (we'll forget about the choc chip cookies, they were mini, lol)
If you don't want to post up the rest of your food for today, don't... it doesn't matter.
However, have you planned for tomorrow and included some really enjoyable but within syns treats? Use food that you really like, so you don't feel too deprived.
I suggested to Linda before to write it in big letters, on an A4 sheet or something. Literally include everything, like NAS squash, your fruit and superfree veg and your hex a and b allowances. Have your treats spread out, if that works for you, or just use superfree for snacks through the day and save your syns for an evening treat?
Whatever works for you.... that's the way to do SW successfully hun. You can do it xxx