Right. Here I am again. 191 pounds.
Thought it won't hurt keeping a diary as well as MyFitnessPal and Fitbit!
I have been now good for 3 weeks and lost about 7 pounds.
I try to eat around 1300 calories per day (keeping track with MyFitnessPal) and also I have joined gym and try to go there as often as I can and do as much as I can.
Usually about 45 minutes of cardio. I am determined and hopeful that by the time I graduate next June I will be in better shape.
Ideally I would like to lose 3 stone. I really need to do it now when I am still youngish (32) so I would have better health when I am old and would also feel better in my clothes!
If anyone in same kind of boat wants to be my dieting and exercise buddy - that would be most amazing. Motivation is the hardest sometimes - would be great to offer and receive support even
if it is just online!
So today I had an apple for breakfast and salad for lunch.
I also went to the gym for a bit - did 45 mins of cardio. I have been going now over a month now and can feel how I can do more every week.
Sometimes I can run for whole 10 minutes without stopping. I think it used to be only 2 minutes before!
I have yoga booked for 6 but my knees feel a bit weak maybe I should give them a bit of rest.
Until next time.
Liisa x