I did not eat all the Belgian choccies. I didn't touch them again until end of Jan. The rest are still in the packet!
I didn't cry at the concert BUT later on I went to a carol concert and I did cry when the school kids did their bit. Not MY kids, I don't have any, not even kids I know, just local junior school kids. Big soppy, that's me.
Christmas was a weird one. I got ill on Xmas Eve/Xmas Day- everything went straight through me, so even though I had naughties like roasties and stuffing I can't tell if they touched the sides (sorry if TMI). So I made up for it by eating as many chocolates as I could get my mitts on for the next couple of days. Then I just didn't weigh myself for three weeks, because- and I've got this all figured out- if you don't weigh yourself
you haven't gained anything.
Feel free to use this amazing piece of logic if you have a big old binge one day, it works like a charm.
I was back at the gym even before New Year, and back on the diet, and now about a stone down from mid-December weight.
The next cliffhanger is will I lose any flippin' weight this week? Find out in the next exciting instalment of Boggins Eats Chocolate Then Whines When She Doesn't Lose Any Weight.