I've just realised that I have a food intolerance / sensitivity to pineapple - where did that come from
I love pineapple but haven't had any for a few months but last week bought some and got a really bad stomach ache, sickness and a bloated stomach. On Monday I pineapple again after dinner (just a small amount) and again I felt sick, bloated and flustered. Tonight I've just had some pineapple and hey presto - within 10 minutes I'm feeling sick again. I've just googled it and all I can find are articles saying how good it is to reduce bloating and other digestive problems. Trust me to be awkward!!
I guess I will just have to stick to other fruit from now on. I'm not happy!
The worst bit is that I've always been so proud of the fact that I have a stomach of steel (constitution wise, not on the outside LOL). I have no allergies, can handle very spicy food with no problems and hardly every pick up stomach bugs even when the rest of my family go down with them. I used to be proud of never being off sick at work - then I started getting migraine and that one was gone - Now my tum of steel is failing me - What will I have left to feel smug about

Why can't I have a food intolerance to brussel sprouts or something equally bleurgh?? So not fair [stomping my foot and going off in a huff!!]