OMG!!!! How did Gerard lose 11lbs with barely any effort again?! What a tool....
hoooooooooooooow does he still keep losing so much doing nothing, so frustrating!!!not sure who i want to win just deffo not gerard or jessie!!
totally agree, I think the whole "pact" thing is soooo pathetically childish and I'm surprised that the biggest loser haven't done anything about it. It's pathetic how fully grown adults can act this way, I was very proud of Amy and disgusted by the fact all the others in the "pact" were angry at her.
I really don't like Gerard. I know you shouldn't judge somebody without knowing them properly first but he moans about anything and everything. You've been given a once in a lifetime chance to change your ways so appreciate it. Good on him for losing good amounts of weight each week but he comes across so arrogant.
I agree that its stupid about the pact, feel like I'm watching a bunch of school kids ganging up on someone in a playground grrrrr lol. (sorry for my rant, I was just annoyed )
Can't wait til this weeks ep though. x