Hi. Can I join here? I know it's a funny time to start a diet, so close to crimbo, but my weight is spiralling and I've looked back at the mahoosive amount of diets I have tried and the old ww points system seemed to be the one for me so I've dug out the old books and here I am. I need to have a look at my details and amend them on here but tomorrow is the start of my new adventure. Just trying to remember off hand before I crawl into bed to read the books over, is fruit free?
Hi Shez. Thanks for the reply re. fruits. I couldn't remember off hand. I will be keeping a weekly diary for now until I get back into it. It has been a lot of years since I've done the diet and I now live in Spain where they don't have a lot of WW stuff but I didn't eat a lot of it before, I mainly cooked from scratch so wish me luck.
How are you doing? x
Thank you. Wow, is it really that old? I just came across it as there is a lot of propoints forums but I tried that when it came out and gained weight.
I'll check out your diary then. I have a feeling I'll be asking a lot of questions about points in chocolate and wine over the next few weeks. x
I'm using my old books which are a combination of 123 success and propoints Shez. I've worked out that I can have 23 points and I've decided not to use my points earned through exercise (when I eventually start some!) I've done ok this week and that's been with 2 nights out. I weigh in on Monday so fingers crossed. x
Hey everyoneI'm a newbie just starting back on vintage points today, I've done pp but it just doesn't seem to suit me so I've dug my books out for vintage points when I did it years ago. My starting weight is 14st 12.5lb and I'll wi every Friday
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