Oooh busy

I love it!
Well I have been such a good girl today. Considering I have just worked for 8 hours straight and only had a green smoothie, lunch which was pasta, rich tea biccies, grapes and then chicken caesar salad without the caesar and with chilli instead as the dressing had gone off (it was yum!) for tea, I am sooo pleased with myself for not snacking on rubbish! I've had 21.5 points so far and just now considering what to have as a pud when I snuggle down for the next episode of breaking bad (box set). I truly love having company!
Lorny sweetie, I do hope you are feeling better, those sorts of things always come at once. I thought you had burnt calories going out on your motorbike though there for a minute, I was wondering what you were doing on it!!
Considering how much I love messaging on my phone, you'd think I'd go for tracking on it too, but for some reason I can't keep it up. I think I like the whole 'real' feel to having a note book?? Mine are usually amazing too, I have charts for tracking all the details etc and stickers for if I've been a good girl and not gone over (yup, that's how I roll - I work for stickers!)

I will have a look at the app though.
I'm back at work tomorrow, so hopefully I will be okay. I'm not worried about when I'm there as I only really have access to what I bring with me, but I worry about when I get home, I'll be soooooo hungry by then. I think I need to get something out of the freezer tonight ready for the hub to have in the oven ready. I must scope the quorn sarnie fillings more often. I actually like it in all forms.
I'm not going to worry about exercise just yet, I'll get a week of WW under my belt first then get my running shoes on at the weekend.
What a great little gang we are!
Edit: Just read this back, I must be tired I've totally garbled and jumped from topic to topic!