The Check-in Point

Hules, what's maca powder? Those smoothies sound lovely! It's great that you are back on track now. Has the snacking been knocked on the head now?

1lb loss is still good, annalisalud! Cheeky decadent weekend too! Just keep at it. :)

I keep hovering at the 14st 6 mark. That's 2lbs more than weigh in. I need to do something to kick start it, cuz I don't know how I'm putting on weight after weigh in when I'm not over eating. It's still the beginning of the week though so there's all to play for!

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It could be all sorts of reasons hwy it's over, I think you should only worry if it gets close to weigh-in and it's still there. It might be as simple as your dinner from last night hasn't gone through yet?? Maca is a powder that you can get from holland and barratt its a ground peruvian root veg??? that's supposed to have lots of minerals, fibre and good carbs in it. I read about it somewhere and thought I'd try it, I think it's lovely in my smoothies, kind of mars bar/ovaltiney. Quite expensive though, but you get masses and it's lasted me forever - who knows what good it's doing me, but it's says it's a 'nutrient-rich power food' so it must be doing something??

Well done Annalisalud, I know it's not as much as you'd hoped, but it's still a pound less that you were!

I do still have the odd crap snack, but as it's few and far between at the mo, they now taste gorgeous and I take my time eating them rather than me throwing them down my neck without even tasting them. Been calm so far today with another green smoothie, special K, yog strawbs and I'm thinking salad for lunch?
I'll try not to worry! It's no point. I suppose I've been watching too many of these Fat: The fight of my life programmes, and get too impatient! I'm doing the right things, and it'll come off in its own sweet time. So long as it is, I don't mind really! I just can't flippin' wait for it. I remember the way I felt before, when I got to 13st and I was wearing a size 16 dress, it was amazing! I want that feeling back. I should be feeling good now, but I think I'm still too big to start feeling good. I don't know.

I had pasta with tomato sauce, sweetcorn, and sausage for my dinner tonight. It was lush. Didn't finish all the pasta either, which is pretty good. Usually I would stuff my face with it. I think I accidentally had more pasta than I should have though, which is the risk when cooking for myself and the beau! I've pointed the pasta at 7pts just to be safe, as 5.5pts is four baskets of tagliatelle, but there was ten in there, which the beau should have eaten most of! I know I'm still in points anyway. I've been trying to have a couple points less still to make up for the cheeky drinks I had on Saturday. I won't be going out again now for at least a couple of weeks anyway, since I'm completely broke from the phone bill fiasco! :D
Gah! Had a greedy day today. Huge pizza and cake. Didn't want it, didn't need it, just ate it. Its a step back, but the first step forward is admission. Back on track as of tomorrow, with some major damage control! I won't claw back much, unless I have 15pts per day until Saturday. Might buy some veg for 0pt soup tomorrow ready for Friday, but I can't eat soup for a whole day!

I hope everyone else is doing a bit better!

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Hi lorny
How's it going today?
I lost it too yesterday so ur not alone!
Back on it today again, so far so good, chicken and veg soup going down well.
Tried to keep myself busy as well, tidied girlies bedroom, going do have bath and do nails this evening so that should keep me occupied and out of cupboard.
I've been back on track as normal today! Trying to eat as little points as possible today or else if I eat too little tomorrow it won't be a proper weight on the scales on Saturday's weigh in. I'll still eat a soup tomorrow though, as I'll definitely still be clawing back the points! Can't believe I went over by 14pts yesterday. Ho hum, such is the dieting life!

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Hey ladies,

You have to live your life and you need to be able to include stuff like pizza into it too. Though obviously you are accountable (on the scales) so you do need to be able to adjust the rest of the week a bit to limit the damage. It looks to me that you are both doing that brilliantly! x

I've got weigh in tomorrow and I'm hoping that I've at least got off what I put on the week before. I've been trying not to snack and it's been a learning curve to see what my brain will allow myself to do (don't know if I'm making sense??). Anyway, it seems that if I have healthy No-count meals, snack on fruit, veg or fruity type things (dried fruit/ carrot sticks in houmous, smoothies etc), I don't really miss the crisps. If I have crisps, biscuits etc I go mad and can't seem to just have a taste. I've felt good the last few days as it kind of feels like I'm getting over the withdrawal of snacks and I may relax at the weekends, I'll see how weigh-in goes.
That's brilliant news, Hules! It just proves that there's really no use in crisp snacks. I'm really glad you're settling into it now. Fingers crossed for some good news tomorrow for you!

I know I need to be able to live a little, but next time I'll listen to my stomach when it tells me I'm full! I've eaten mostly veg today, so I'll definitely be able to scrape back those points I over-indulged in. Really pleased about that, and I was so hungry at work I was planning on buying snacks to eat on the way home, but I resisted and had a quorn chicken, salad, and mayo pitta. :)

Oh and the best news is that my blood pressure was 140/92, which is the prehypertension stage, but it's now 112/77, which is COMPLETELY NORMAL. :eek: I was so happy, it spurred me on not to eat crap.

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Wow, that's great! It does show you that a lot of the niggles, aches and pains etc. are actually down to the excess weight. I know that the little knee pain I get will be gone once I'm under 13. It all a learning curve!

I did need to sort my eating out, I just needed find the balance and 'rules' for me.

Just motivating myself to get up and then I'll hop on the scales. Fingers crossed x
Wahey, so good news then?! I'll go check out the weigh in threads! Today I'm off to my sister's. She is trying to lose weight now too after having her baby last year. I've got her onto the vintage points thing too, but she only started yesterday, and she needs me to help her with a diet plan or else she's likely to just eat whatever! Also making her a broccoli and blue cheese soup, cuz that is Da Bomb!
Just got in from a lovely night out in town where I could have gone dancing but didn't. I didn't feel comfortable, I want this weight off now.....

Mmmmm broccoli and blue cheese soup..... that's lunch sorted for tomorrow (or today actually! :p)
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Ah man, that's not good news when your weight is affecting things like that. Summer time is where the fun begins! You can do this :) You've found the way it works for you, so there's no stopping you! I'm so glad you've got the snacking sorted too, cuz that's been the vice every time. This dieting lark must be getting so much easier for you now!

I feel a bit like that when I go out, but then I remember I've lost over 2st now, so I'm looking better than I did at least. And I'm sure I weigh what I did in September 2012.

Thinking about it now, I was 13st 5lbs at the end of June 2012. I was 10st 7lbs in September 2011. Holy smokes, that's a lot of weight gain in a very short time. I can't believe it. Well I'm doing something about it now, and hopefully this motivation sticks for good now. I'd like to be 10st 7lbs by winter. I know it's not happening for summer ball now, due to slacking last year, so maybe the dress I bought for that can be saved for graduation. Silver linings and all that.

I need to start trying to tone my arms too, as well as getting on my bike (which I didn't do this week! :mad: ). They're huge, and even my best mate who weighs the same as me doesn't have arms as big as mine.

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My arms are big too. They did slim down when I was at my slimmest before I got married, but they also looked really good when I was 11.5st and running. All that arm pumping.....I need to get of my backside....!

I expect that you are really starting look good now, are people noticing? You really have got it together now Lorny hun. I love how focussed you are. It is scary how quickly it can go on isn't it? At Christmas I put on loads in just a week, so it can definitely be done. It looks like you are on for 10 lbs this month so loads of focus and a few more of them and you could be there or there abouts for summer! Still chance for that dress yet!

I'm feeling better again today. I guess that's why I'm actually losing weight, moments like these. I suppose I wouldn't bother otherwise. I do feel in control at the moment, I've made the rules for myself about fruit and veg as snacks and it's working. I'm not saying no treats, just trying to really limit them while I'm losing the weight and I can have them as a pud at meals if I want.
Well my best mates hadn't noticed, even when I told them. I suppose it's cuz I see them about five days a week at least! A girl at work who I don't usually see noticed though, and that felt good! I'll put up a picture, mostly for me to look back on, but it'll show how much smaller I am than my trousers I wear for work. I'll do that in the morning. :)

It is scary how easy it can go on, and then you reach a point where you think you'll never be thin so you just end up putting on more! I am so focused now. I snacked on some ryvita bites after work, 4pts worth, but I was so hungry and at least I ate til the gap was filled and put them down. It was a huge bag and I could easily have eaten the lot if I let myself. I tell myself when I'm starving that I'll buy this and this and this, but I have enough resolve now to know I'll regret it.

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That's great, knowing you CAN just stop and you don't have to easy the lot is half the battle. I think people will start to notice soon. Even those close to you. They'll see you walk towards them, or see you in a dress :D and they'll realise you're looking good!

I'd love to see you in your oversized trousers :D When I lost all the weight first time round I kept my big jeans and at goal I could just about stand in one leg of them!

I like to document everything. I was thinking about doing a monthly (or even weekly) snapshot to look back on the progress. I got a lovely new notebook with insects on (bit of a thing of mine) from paper chase today so may just do that. I was looking through an old notebook this evening and found some progress pics. I really don't like the early ones, but even they are 1/2st lighter than I am now! I don't like the shape of my face (I go kind of rectangular!!?) and you can see my chins. There is also a later pic where I'm about 11&1/2st and I look so happy. Fit, average size and happy. I was running then too. I've torn it out and am going to use it as my inspiration pic I think.
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I tried to start doing that, but I ended up misplacing the photos I took at 16st 8lbs. Maybe I should just start again, using the trousers. I found it hard to get a proper picture of how I was changing, cuz I was never the same distance away from the mirror. At least this way I can see the difference in the trousers.

So what do you document? I should have started something to read back on. It would probably remind me how I felt at the time and prevent me from putting the weight back on!

I got a message from my mate today, who's the same weight as me, and she said she wants to lose 5st before holiday, so 20 weeks. I said to her that's really unrealistic but she thinks it'll be easy. So I'm worried she might starve herself for it. Over summer she ate bugger all and lost 1.5st in a month or so. So I think she'll adopt that again. Even I'm realistic in knowing I'm only likely to get 3st off between now and holiday, even though I'd love to have an extra bit off. Now, while I know I've given her advice, and she can choose to take it or not, I'm worried it'll start off my eating disorder again. Like she'll tell me she's lost such and such weight and it'll trigger a competition in the back of my head. I know even if I did lose an extra stone that way, there's no chance I'll keep it on. Been there, done that. Ugh. Must keep focused on both ends of the scale now- no bingeing, no starving. I'm slow and steady and it's working.

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No. It's not healthy and non sustainable. We are already bingers hun and it would just take you back to square one. You have given your friend advice and she must make her own choices. However we both know that you're in it for the long haul, a change in lifestyle, not a quick fix or it'll go back on again dead quickly once you relax a bit at goal. If you do manage 3 stone by your jollies you will already look amazing. You'll be curvy, happy and have so much more energy. Your skin, hair and nails will look great because you are eating properly and haven't just been starving and binging on non nutritious junk.

No competitions hun, just support. Xxx

I document most of it in my little books, my goals, what the scales say, my measurements (I measure EVERYTHING), exercise, when i get a migraine and the odd pic too. I like to look back and see how it went. I've not really done anything the last couple of weeks but I think I'll sort my new book today. It keeps me focussed.
Sorry just replying back to everyone! with a 5 month lil boy teething its a little hectic atm ha! anyway first week i lost 2lbs, second week 4lbs and 3rd week 2lbs! so i have lost 8lbs now :) nearly a stone woop! ha i wanna try lose my first stone within 6weeks? maybe just gotta keep pushing these next two weeks :)
I might organise a book for myself then. I didn't think to take my measurements as well. At least you've got proof of loss in weight AND inches! I'll do that tomorrow. I've had another bad day. I got in from uni shattered and in a bad mood (totm, I suspect) and ended up bingeing on 500 calories of Doritos. Subsequently, I made myself sit on my exercise until each one of those calories had been burnt off. It took 48 minutes. It was horrible, but I needed to do it to teach myself a lesson. Not in an angry way, but to prove to myself that the five minutes it takes to consume something equals ten times more HARD work to get rid of. So next time it feels so easy to pick that stuff up, I'll remember this night!

On the topic of activity, would I essentially have earned activity points for the amount I ate? So, am I even now? I better be! I'm shattered!

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